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Warren Mather
Stoneware/multiple firings
15"x 5.5"x 5.5"
70 Hobbs Brook Road, Weston, MA 02193 (617) 891-0994
1993 International Invitational Traveling Ashtray Show, NCECA, San
Diego, CA
1992 New Ceramic Works, Thomas Segal Gallery, Boston, MA
1991 Exhihition of Soviet American-Symposium, Dzintari
Institute,Jurmala, Latvia
1989 L'Arte est Libre, Livre comme l.'Art, (.alerie Caroline Corre, Paris,
1987 Livre sans Paroles," Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Lausanne, Switzerland.
1987 Le l.ivre dans Tous Ses Etats." Bibliotheque Municipal d'Argenteuil.
Paris, France.
1986 Bucher Ohne Worte," Museum Bellerive, Zurich, Switzerland.
1985 International Ceramics," Kecskemet, Hungary.
1984 Clay Today," Thomas Segal Gallery, Boston, MA
1982 Reading Matter," Clark Gallery, Lincoln, MA
1980 Ceramics, Everson Museum, Syracuse, NY.
1979 Impressions in Clay," Impressions Gallery, Boston, MA.
National Art Museum, Riga, Latvia.
International Experimental Ceramics Studio, Kecskemet, Hungary.
The John Hancock Mutual and l.ife Insurance Corporation, Boston, MA.
General Electric Corporation, Fairfield, CT.
1993 Sonoran Snake," $20,000 A fifty foot long ceramic mural installed at the
entrance to the Sonoran Desert Pavilion, .State Zoo of North
Carolina, Asheboro, NC.
Janos Probstner, International Ceramic Studio, Kecskemet, Hungary, 1990.
Sigred Barten and Rosemarie Lippuner, Bucher Ohne Worte.
Charlotte Speight. Images in Clay Sculptor. Harper & Row, 1983.
Leon Nigrosh. LowFire. Davis Publications, Worchester, MA. 1980.
Warren Mather and Bernice Hillman . " Salt in the City, The Sodium
Carbonate Solution. " Studio Potter . December, 1978.
1985 - present Faculty, Boston Museum School, Boston, MA.
1981 - present Technical Assistant, Boston Museum School, Boston, MA.
1976- 1985 Director of Summer Program, Harvard/Radcliffe ('eramics
Studio, Camhridge, MA.
1970 Graduate Study in Anthropology, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, Wl.
1969 BA Anthropology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wl.
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