Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 10:58:28 -0600
Reply-To: david.lumby**At_Symbol_Here**ABBOTT.COM
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: David Lumby <david.lumby**At_Symbol_Here**ABBOTT.COM>
Subject: Job Opening - Lab EHS professional
There is a Sr. EHS Specialist opening in the Diagnostics Division of Abbott Laboratories for an experiences Lab EH&S professional. The position is located at Abbott Park, IL which is approximately 40 miles north of Downtown Chicago. Laboratory EHS experience is expected. CIH/CSP or other relevant certifications are desirable. Experience in medical diagnostics, medical devices, pharmacueticals or biotech a plus. For more information, please visit, click on careers, and click on job search. Type the job id, 18030BR , in the keyword field. All applications must be made through the website, but I would be willing to forward any resumes to the hiring manager if you forward them to me. Please excuse any cross-postings. Dave David Lumby, CIH, CSP david.lumby**At_Symbol_Here** Abbott Diagnostics EH&S 200 Abbott Park Road Dept 03A4, AP30 Abbott Park, IL 60064-6154
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