Date: Tue, 7 Sep 2004 19:48:00 -0400
Reply-To: "Mary M. Cavanaugh" <cavanaughmm**At_Symbol_Here**APPSTATE.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: "Mary M. Cavanaugh" <cavanaughmm**At_Symbol_Here**APPSTATE.EDU>
Organization: ASU Safety & WC Office
Subject: Re: Fw: [DCHAS-L] Safety Rules
In-Reply-To: <p06010209bd637806a197**At_Symbol_Here**[]>
Chris, Dr. Toreki said it beautifully. Ditto, ditto, ditto. As a State school Marshall may not be subject to OSHA regs (but you might, it depends on the state). But in a way it doesn't matter because the students aren't subject to OSHA anyway. However, the school IS subject to lawsuits from students, and failure to follow the "standard of care" is a sure way to lose a lawsuit (and unlike OSHA fines, the dollar amounts can be astronomical). OSHA and ACS recommendations ARE the minimum "standard of care" for labs. In addition, by willfully disregarding the standard of care, this Dean is opening himself up to PERSONAL liability. I know all too well what it can be like to be the new kid on the block and trying to get administration/faculty to change. Going in gung-ho with liability threats can sometimes do more to cause friction than to effect change. But doing nothing and accepting the status quo is of course unacceptable. You might see if you can meet privately with your school's legal staff and explain your quandary, then have the legal staff advise the dean. Or ask to meet together with the legal staff and your either or both supervisor and the Dean, and broach this issue in a nonconfrontational way ("I am concerned that doing xyz opens us up to liability. What is your feeling on this?" By all means ask your immediate supervisor for any advice s/he has in how to approach this. University politics has a lot of unwritten protocols and a dizzying web of chains-of-command, so if you are new to the job it can help a lot to ask someone who's been around a while "who is the right person to tell so-and-so to do this?" And definitely, definitely make sure you communicate your advice about the requirements in writing to the dean. If a memo copied to the legal staff is too in-your-face for this stage, an email can do nicely... And of course it's only natural that you would cc your boss on such emails, just so that s/he is aware of your work (wink wink). Hope these ideas help. -mmc -----Original Message----- From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of ILPI Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 11:39 AM To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Fw: [DCHAS-L] Safety Rules >"Help", > >I am a new safety in my college of science and am running into problems >with the dean. He does not want to follow standard laboratory >practices regarding clothing (short tops, long pants, >shoes) because it might scare someone. His logic behind the pants is >they could trap corrosives and cause more damage than if the student >was wearing shorts. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal >with this issue or knows about an injury resulting from wearing pants >as opposed to shorts? > >I am trying to convince him, using the ACS guide to laboratory safety >but to no avail. If anyone could offer suggestions it would be >appreciated. > >Thanks >Chris Wysong Tell your dean that (with all due respect) you corresponded with a number of safety professionals at other institutions and their consensus is that he is wrong and that it is your understanding that his policy willfully disregards accepted safety practices and invites potential lawsuits. Do this in writing and be sure that your University legal department is prominently cc'ed on the letter. And retain copies of all correspondence in the matter. If you aren't willing to take this on for fear of reprisal (check into your state whistleblower laws first) have a professor take the lead on it.. And there is always the president, board of trustees, local media etc. if you really want to make it a fight. Lab coats and/or aprons may be an acceptable compromise on some issues, but open footware etc. is just plain ridiculous. A few specific comments on his ill-advised logic: 1. I have personally seen laboratory accidents where shorts versus long pants have made a difference in outcome. But rather than dwell on those, here's a better proposal: We'll run some tests. In test 1, he'll put a drop of 12 M sulfuric on his bare leg, I'll put one on my jeans-clad leg, and we'll see who can last the longest. In test 2, we'll poke ourselves in the leg with a glass pipette tip and see if skin affords better penetration protection than jeans. In test 3, we'll drop a flask of concentrated HCl onto the ground next to our feet - him in sandals and me in sneakers - and we'll see if there are differing outcomes. 2. Your dean is inviting a lawsuit the size of Montana - imagine the field day that a victim's attorneys will have when they find out that he ordered you to deliberately violate best safety practices and, oh yes, the recommendations of OSHA. With both OSHA and the ACS having made recommendations *against* what your dean is opposing, it would be a slam dunk liability case. And nothing incites juries more than willful negligence. 3. Alas, as a state school, Marshall does not fall under OSHA's jurisdiction. If it was a private employer, then the OSHA laboratory Standard 29 CFR 1910.1450, Hazard Communication Standard 1910.1200, and a few other PPE standards would require the university to conduct a hazard assessment and appropriate PPE - which in this case would involve proper attire and closed footware. And while failure to do so would invite an OSHA citation, *willful* violations such as the one he proposes could result in a tripling of any monetary fine. Dr. Robert Toreki -- ================================================= Interactive Learning Paradigms, Incorporated (ILPI) 100% custom content development for e-learning programs. Ph: (859) 396-5218, Fax: (859) 523-0606, sales**At_Symbol_Here** Lab & safety supplies? Visit
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