(Note: This post is 21 years old and may contain outdated information.)

Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 01:07:44 GMT
Reply-To: "mrsafetyman**At_Symbol_Here**juno.com" <mrsafetyman**At_Symbol_Here**JUNO.COM>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: "mrsafetyman**At_Symbol_Here**juno.com" <mrsafetyman**At_Symbol_Here**JUNO.COM>
Subject: Re: Managing Chemicals with stench characteristics
Comments: To: ACTSNYC**At_Symbol_Here**CS.COM

Wow, thanks for the input. The product does have a rather low health hazard rating and it is used by three labs I know of to seal bottles as well as many contractors. I have not heard of an incident yet until now. I contacted Dow and they advised that the product is safe if used correctly. They have not had any recent litigation as of yet mentioning your incidents. Can you direct me to actual other data or events that are documented since this is very enlightening to me. I inspect many facilities as a code enforcement officer and that is how I saw the processes of corking during a fire inspection. If i had some hard data, this would enable me to approach those i know that perform this work. Thanks for your assistance and input. ________________________________________________________________ Get your name as your email address. Includes spam protection, 1GB storage, no ads and more Only $1.99/ month - visit http://www.mysite.com/name today!

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