Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 13:04:58 -0700
Reply-To: Neal Langerman <chemsaf**At_Symbol_Here**IX.NETCOM.COM>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Neal Langerman <chemsaf**At_Symbol_Here**IX.NETCOM.COM>
Organization: Advanced Chemical Safety
Subject: Call for Papers
One of the neat things you get to do as a CHAS member is come to San Diego - and present a paper about YOUR safety program! The call for papers is on the Division website, and contains the following topics: Chemical Safety Issues for Radiation Work Chemical Safety Issues for Work with Biologicals Nanotechnology: Is Little Stuff such a Big Deal? PDA Use and Trends in Chemical Safety Teaching Safety: Safety education expectations in the real world Addressing the Needs of Industry Employers: Why Safety is NOT in the Curriculum I am positive you can make a signficant contribution - it is fun and easy. Many of us can help you; all you need do is ask. Go to our website, look at the Call for papers, and make a contribution. Contact Deb Decker at UC Davis, or me, if you would like to explore an idea, get some advice as to how to proceed, or (the hardest part) enter a paper into the OASYS monster! Let's have more than 90 papers contributed in SD! -------------------------------------------------------------- NEAL LANGERMAN, Ph.D. Chair, Division of Chemical Health and Safety American Chemical Society ADVANCED CHEMICAL SAFETY, Inc. 7563 Convoy Ct, San Diego CA 92111 (858) 874 5577 (858) 874 8239 (FAX)
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