Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 07:47:43 -0700
Reply-To: helen <teamplayer**At_Symbol_Here**PCISYS.NET>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: helen <teamplayer**At_Symbol_Here**PCISYS.NET>
Subject: Re: Visorgogs
Comments: To: "mrsafetyman**At_Symbol_Here**"
In-Reply-To: <20041111.172549.22457.146948**At_Symbol_Here**>

I've stayed out of this somewhat but must at least enter now.

I have been a member of several professional organizations throughout
the year including ACS, ASSE, and ASQ and many local one.  I
additionally keep in contact with other organizations (too numerous
mention).  While I'm not currently a member of ASSE, I still keep in
touch and recently provided the information to have our safety
department representative begin attending.

The fact is, most people will not join a whole gamut of organizations.
They simply do not have the time.  Indeed, many who are a member of even
1 do not get greatly involved (e.g. serving on boards, committees,
legislative initiatives, etc.)  Many people do not seek opportunities
outside of these organizations to serve.  There are ALWAYS opportunities
to serve both in professional and in various venues.

I am not going to disparage the persons of this group for not knowing
about what is going on everywhere else.  It is sad that some made the
choice to "mock" Mr. Safety Man.  We can all learn from those who have
different backgrounds and all become stronger for it.  Asking questions
is the best way to find out information that a person just doesn't have
the data to back up their opinions.  This forum has many persons who
will help to answer (even when there is a difference in interpretation
of the facts).  That is not to say this forum has all the answers.
Should they check out other sources?...ABSOLUTELY!  If one is answering
as an authority (not opinions) then be sure to have the data to back up
your claim.  Keep in mind that unless you've been working with certain
data and/or keeping up on changes, your data may be somewhat or
completely out of date.

I appreciate the knowledge I have gained being a part of professional
organizations, from forums, and from the multitude of persons in my
network.  Please, lets maintain the civility that should come with the
title "Professional."

-----Original Message-----
From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:26 PM
To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Visorgogs

As a safety professional I am concerned that this interest was not
displayed during the appropriate times. The ASSE, American Society of
Safety Engineers closely works with ANSI and OSHA during the development
phases of new rules and codes. They both usually allow due notice and
ample time to respond to issues. Where was this organiztion then???
There is certainly a huge difference of interests between this chemical
society and the ASSE. It is really amazing that a comment about someones
lack of professional experitise about a safety issue could elicite so
many responses that the ansi standard already covers. In fact the ASSE
held an open response forum on this issue last year prior to its
Are these responses genuine or in fact a response to a legitimate

This is also the last time I will respond or play part in this network.
There is a definite gap between what this organizations interests are
and the Safety field. For those who are so educated, the responses are
defensive and childish. When I responded last year about the new eyewear
standard implementation, a few Good Old Chemical Group Boys and Girls
mocked my comments even though I was right on the standard
implementation dates. I am glad I will not be part of this ego network.
I will now return to important safety issues somewhere else. Oh by the
way please keep up to date on the standards, proposed changes, and
implementation of in the future. I'm outa here!!!!

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