(Note: This post is 19 years old and may contain outdated information.)

Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 12:08:56 -0500
Reply-To: Walton <reactives**At_Symbol_Here**EARTHLINK.NET>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Walton <reactives**At_Symbol_Here**EARTHLINK.NET>
Subject: Re: cell phones in labs
Comments: To: Jchem56**At_Symbol_Here**AOL.COM

A definitive source for radio frequency hazards is:
Safety Library Publication No. 20: Safety Guide for the Prevention of Radio Frequency Radiation Hazards in the Use of Commercial Electric Detonators (Blasting Caps)
Institure of Makers of Explosives
1120 19th Street, NW
Suite 310
Washington, DC  20036-3605

The good news is this lists specific power levels at specific frequencies.  The bad news is this applies to RF sensitive blasting caps, not flammable vapors and gases.

For the use of non-instrinsically safe electronic devices such as cell phones with flammable liquids, how about using the standards for flammability in the OSHA confined space standard at 20 CFR 1910.146?  The standard for flammable vapors and vapors and gases is to evacuate the area at any concentrations above 10% of the Lower Flammable Limit (10% LEL), using a combustible gas indicator calibrated with methane or pentane.

Another thing to consider is the HAZWOPER standard, 29 CFR 1910.120(k) [I think], decontamination.  Nothing should be brought to the face without washing both face and hands.   So much for using cell phones with potentially contaminated hands.

I know for a fact that not all recorders or X-Y plotters have shielded motors.  There was a very unfortunate incident in a lab using an NMR instrument and security/safety personnel using two-way radios in the hall.  Several hours of lab work were lost.  A lot of profanity was used.  Who would have thought?

Our new e-mail address is g.c.walton**At_Symbol_Here**reactives.com.  Please change your records.

Hope this helps.

George Walton

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