(Note: This post is 18 years old and may contain outdated information.)

Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 10:24:50 -0600
Reply-To: Diane Amell <Diane.Amell**At_Symbol_Here**STATE.MN.US>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Diane Amell <Diane.Amell**At_Symbol_Here**STATE.MN.US>
Subject: Re: Aqueous/Flammable solvent mixtures
Comments: To: Erika

If it is actual data that you want, I do have a chart and a graph
showing the flashpoints of different concentrations in water. The source
is the now-defunct NFPA 325 (although the information appears to be in
NFPA's Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials. 
(Being in the Upper Midwest, we have a lot of ethanol plants.)
- Diane Amell, MNOSHA

>>> Erika  1/30/2007 8:00 AM >>>

While I agree with Carl that flammable solvent mixtures are generally
by their flash point, I disagree with the blanket statement that "All
flammable solvents mixed with water should be treated, handled, and
as flammable liquids."  If a flammable solvent is completely miscible
water, said solution is used a dilution which yields no flash point,
and the
solution will not sustain combustion in a fire (i.e., has no "fire
no regulation or insurer is going to be concerned with their storage
shipment) as a flammable liquid.  The basic problem (to which Susan
alludes) is generating the data for any such solution.  Perhaps
somebody has
done this, but I am not aware of any published data.

Richard Rosera
Environmental Specialist
Reckitt Benckiser, Inc.
Hillsborough, NJ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Carl Zipfel" 
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Aqueous/Flammable solvent mixtures

> I went down this road many years ago and gave up.  The problem is
that the
> only acceptable test of flammability is the "flash point".  The
> defines flammability, and is what is accepted by the EPA, OSHA, and
> importantly the insurance companies.  While the solvents that you
> are miscible, once a little heat is applied they will separate and
form a
> flammable mixture in the air. All flammable solvents mixed with
> be treated, handled, and stored as flammable liquids.
> Carl Zipfel, csp
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Hadden, Susan [PRDUS]" 
> To: 
> Sent: Monday, January 29, 2007 2:36 PM
> Subject: [DCHAS-L] Aqueous/Flammable solvent mixtures
> > Many of our researchers use aqueous mixtures of miscible flammable
> solvents
> > for their LC work. They often have questions about storage and
> > treat them as flammable or not. I've been looking for data that
> > me flammability as a function of concentration for the common
> such
> > as CH3CN, MeOH, EtOH, IPA, etc. I've checked OSHA, NFPA and ASTM
> > find any solvent specific data. Does anyone know where I might find
> > information?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Susan Hadden
> > Senior Occupational Safety Specialist
> > J&J PRD Environmental, Health & Safety
> > 1000 Rt 202, PO Box 300
> > Raritan, NJ 08869
> > 908-704-4295 (ph), 908-707-9211 (fax)

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