(Note: This post is 18 years old and may contain outdated information.)

Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2007 01:27:39 +0000
Reply-To: rebelford**At_Symbol_Here**UALR.EDU
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: rebelford**At_Symbol_Here**UALR.EDU
Subject: Re: acid neutralized on skin - Undergraduate Accident
Comments: To: Sheila Kennedy
In-Reply-To: <462E6332.4000706**At_Symbol_Here**chem.ucsd.edu>

Sheila and All,

Are there identifiable aspects of the picture which could allow someone to deduce its origin? If so, crop them out.  I would think that if you "edited" the picture, and called it an example (without reference to origin), that would work.
I have some pictures of a corneal transplant surgery which you could post with it.  I've been wanting to make a poster:
"Who Needs Safety Googles 
         When YOU 
Can have a Corneal Transplant'  
    [then]  the picture
    [then] "The Problem Is:
Who Wants to be the Donor?"
I mean this picture is bloody and far worse than a tub full of maggots being cooked by a neutralization reaction.  If I can send an attachment to the list, I'll send the picture when I get to work.
Does DCHAS have a web site where these types of pictures are posted? That might be a good idea, sort of a repository of this type of material.  


----- Original Message -----
From: Sheila Kennedy 
Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 6:13 pm
Subject: [DCHAS-L] acid neutralized on skin - Undergraduate Accident
To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU

> We've been able to track the ownership of the picture back to 
> the folks 
> who took the picture and to the model/perpetrator/victim. He 
> still works 
> on campus & originally gave permission to use the image in UCSD 
> safety 
> training, but no-one is anxious to have it become common 
> property of the 
> whole on-line web community, so we won't be posting it here.
> Any suggestions for limiting distribution of something like this 
> that 
> would be useful to so many?
> -Sheila
> =============
> For those who have asked, I'm hunting down the source/owner of the
> picture & will send it to the list if I can.
> Can I attach a JPG file to a list message?
> -Sheila
> =============
> We have a photograph of the scar that remains from an acid spill being
> neutralized with bicarbonate on skin - thermal burn (heat of
> neutralization) on top of chemical burn. Man with the scar says it
> seemed like a good idea at the time.
> Wash with running water, 15 minutes: dilute the corrosive, wash 
> it away
> & cool the irritated skin. No scrubbing; no soap; no brushes; 
> don't do
> chemistry on your skin.
> Sheila M. Kennedy, CHO
> Safety Coordinator
> Undergraduate Teaching Laboratories
> Chemistry & Biochemistry, UCSanDiego
> (858) 534-0221
> Edward Senkbeil wrote:
> > Recently we had an accident in the general chemistry lad where 
> a student
> > spilled some 4.0M NaoH on her wrist.
> > The protocol we have followed in the past is to wash with 
> water for 15
> > minutes and then send to the University Health Center. We. normally
> > follow the protocol to "Protect, but not treat". The skin was 
> slightly> red due to the spill.
> >
> > When the student reached (was escorted to) the Health Center, 
> they said
> > they could not treat chemical burns.
> > They wanted to send her to the hospital emergency room, but 
> the student
> > didn't go because of lack of insurance.
> >
> > Three days after the accident, the student's wrist still has a 
> few pink
> > spots.
> >
> > The questions are:
> >
> > 1. Should we (lab instructors) treat by neutralizing the base with
> > something llike vinega, rather than just washing?
> >
> > 2. Who should be responsible (or maybe liable) for appropriate
> > treatment? Howd do university health centers handle someting 
> like this
> > incident at other universities?
> >
> > Thanks for any information,
> > Ed Senkbeil
> > Chemistry Department
> > Salisbury University
> > 

Robert E. Belford
Department of Chemistry
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

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