Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 12:51:41 -0400
Reply-To: List Moderator <ecgrants**At_Symbol_Here**UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: List Moderator <ecgrants**At_Symbol_Here**UVM.EDU>
Subject: Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News - Chemical Security
Below is the text from an article from the latest issue of C&EN. It sounds like things are still in flux on this issue. Ralph Stuart, CIH Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety Environmental Safety Facility 667 Spear St. Burlington, VT 05405 rstuart**At_Symbol_Here** 05/21/2007 11:10 AM Chemical & Engineering News: Latest News - Chemical Security Chemical & Engineering News May 21, 2007 Volume 85, Number 21 p. 8 Department of Homeland Security rule captures academic labs Lois Ember NEW CHEMICAL SECURITY regulations issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are sending colleges and universities into a tailspin. The rules will require institutions storing or using "chemicals of interest" that exceed specified amounts to inventory them and complete an online form. DHS will then determine whether the institutions are subject to further security requirements (C&EN, April 9, page 13). Academic institutions across the country claim they will have to spend countless hours and scarce resources on documenting very small amounts of chemicals in many different labs that are scattered across sometimes sprawling campuses. Many of the chemicals, they say, are in minute quantities and often in dilute aqueous solutions and thus pose minimal security risks. "The rule was intended for chemical facilities, not laboratories that maintain small quantities of chemicals at levels that can't cause catastrophic events," says Erik A. Talley, Weill Cornell Medical College's health and safety head. Academia's collective angst was triggered by DHS's call for comments on a list of chemicals covered by the regulations. DHS issued this list as Appendix A on April 9. Once the appendix was released, academics realized they will have to report the amount and location of listed chemicals in excess of a so- called screening threshold quantity. For 104 chemicals on the list, the threshold is "any amount." The Campus Safety, Health & Environmental Management Association notes that hazardous chemicals on campus already "are closely notes that hazardous chemicals on campus already "are closely regulated" by EPA, OSHA, the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, and by many other state and federal standards. "As a result, colleges and universities pose no significant chemical security risk," CSHEMA says, and urges that they be exempted from DHS regulations. Lawrence M. Stanton, acting DHS director of chemical security compliance, disagrees. "Existing fire and building codes and safety protocols are aimed at safety. None are aimed at security," he says. Stanton says a significantly revised Appendix A to reflect the concerns of academia and others "will be released in early to mid-June." Chemical & Engineering News ISSN 0009-2347 Copyright C 2007 American Chemical Society
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