(Note: This post is 17 years old and may contain outdated information.)

Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2008 09:37:56 -0400
Reply-To: "Samuella B. Sigmann" <sigmannsb**At_Symbol_Here**APPSTATE.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: "Samuella B. Sigmann" <sigmannsb**At_Symbol_Here**APPSTATE.EDU>
Subject: Re: Research chemicals of unknown toxicity
Comments: To: Russell Vernon
In-Reply-To: <8BD786EE2CA681409315A8E4B7420BE626A5BC**At_Symbol_Here**VCAMAIL.vcadmin.vcaitad.ucr.edu>

Hi Russ - I would agree with your inclination per
> *1910.1450(h)(2)(ii)*
>     If the chemical produced is a byproduct whose composition is not
>     known, the employer shall assume that the substance is hazardous
>     and shall implement paragraph (e) of this section.
*Also, I don't think that asking the EPA for the MSDS is out of line. 
They should have supplied one under

> *1910.1450(h)(2)(iii)*
>     *If the chemical substance is produced for another user outside of
>     the laboratory, the employer shall comply with the Hazard
>     Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) including the
>     requirements for preparation of material safety data sheets and
>     labeling.*

Don’t always believe what you think.

Samuella B. Sigmann, NRCC-CHO
Lecturer/Safety Committee Chair
A. R. Smith Department of Chemistry
Appalachian State University
525 Rivers Street
Boone, NC 28608
Phone: 828 262 2755
Fax: 828 262 6558
Email: sigmannsb**At_Symbol_Here**appstate.edu

Russell Vernon wrote:
> Dear fellow ACS Div-CHAS members,
> I'm looking for advice on what you tell your people about working with
> chemicals of unknown toxicity.
> In my current case, I have a researcher who will administer a compound
> she is getting from a colleague at the EPA to mice. Some ata I have on
> similar compounds show those chemical to be 'not very toxic' but I can
> not find any information about this stuff.
> I only half-jokingly suggested she obtain an MSDS from the EPA as they
> are the supplier.
> I'm inclined to tell them to treat the material as highly toxic and
> collect the metabolites found in the mouse bedding/feces/urine and
> handle as hazardous waste. At least until they have more information
> about the hazards.
> Do you agree? Do you have any particular guidance you would care to
> share?
> Thanks in advance!
> -Russ
>  Russell Vernon, Ph.D. 
> UC System-wide Field Safety Working Group Chair
> www.ehs.uci.edu/apps/fieldsafe/index.jsp 
> Laboratory / Research Safety Specialist, Integrated Waste Manager and
> Interim Hazardous Materials Manager
> Environmental Health & Safety 
> University of California, Riverside 
> 900 University Ave. 
> Riverside, CA 92521 
> russell.vernon**At_Symbol_Here**ucr.edu 
> www.ehs.ucr.edu 
> Direct: (951) 827-5119
> Admin: (951) 827-5528
> Fax: (951) 827-5122
> Register now for the UCR Emergency Notification System!

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