(Note: This post is 16 years old and may contain outdated information.)

Date: Sun, 10 May 2009 14:16:25 -0400
Reply-To: List Moderator <ecgrants**At_Symbol_Here**UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: List Moderator <ecgrants**At_Symbol_Here**UVM.EDU>
Subject: Re: : Legal aspects of CalOSHA & UCLA/Change Focus

From: lucydillman**At_Symbol_Here**comcast.net
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] : Legal aspects of CalOSHA & UCLA/Change Focus
Date: May 8, 2009 5:11:41 PM EDT (CA)

In my experience, it is the culture of safety cultivated from the  
levels that creates a safe working environment.

This means, when someone says "I don't choose to wear a lab coat  
because it
is too hot," that management intervenes to stop the work until the  
wears their PPE and, or, the heating is adjusted.  When a technician  
"I won't wear safety glasses because they give me a headache," he/she is
worked with to supply safety glasses that work for them.  And if the
employees do not comply when management is eager and willing to help  
comply then there will be consequences of non-compliance.

I worked in a facility that had a similar incident to the one at UCLA,  
because the person was following company procedures, was fully trained  
the area supervisor was in the area, all that resulted were some frayed
nerves, broken glassware that was contained to the hood and very good
lessons learned.

The keys are:  management commitment and good oversight, including  
informal walk-throughs of the labs to make sure there is compliance  
as is possible, and consequences for non-compliance.

I am very sad that this bright young person was killed.  I know that  
it has
generated some very worthwhile discussion and thought on this board.

Lucy Dillman

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