(Note: This post is 16 years old and may contain outdated information.)

Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2009 14:43:45 -0400
Reply-To: List Moderator <ecgrants**At_Symbol_Here**UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: List Moderator <ecgrants**At_Symbol_Here**UVM.EDU>
Subject: 4 more Re: [DCHAS-L] Wastewater testing

From: Don Wanamaker 
Date: June 24, 2009 11:00:10 AM EDT
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Wastewater testing

Also determine if your POTW is the "control authority" for EPA's  
Pretreatment Program (40 CFR Part 403).  You may need to submit a  
"baseline monitoring report" (to either the POTW, the Indiana  
Environmental Agency, or the EPA Region - depending on who's the  
Control Authority).  If so, follow the applicable requirements for  
"new sources". Good luck.

Don Wanamaker
Environmental Management, Ltd.

From: 	dlwcihcsp**At_Symbol_Here**hotmail.com
Subject: 	RE: [DCHAS-L] 3 RE: [DCHAS-L] Wastewater testing
Date: 	June 24, 2009 11:28:13 AM EDT
I might also add that if the regulatory agencies are going to be  
they will require you to have the analyses performed by an independent
laboratory.  In house labs are generally considered to have a bias.   
are also proficiency program requirements.  So, before you spend a  
setting this up, check to be sure you will not have to send them to an
approved laboratory for the regulator to accept them.  You can usually  
a list of approved labs on your state environmental protection  


Donna L. Wilson, CIH-CSP
IH Resources
5923 Phillips Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA  15217-2121
Telephone  412-521-3643
Cellular  412-576-7620

From: "Dr Henry" 
Date: June 24, 2009 11:53:22 AM EDT
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Wastewater testing

Without knowing your levels, it would be difficult to pin down. For  
the list you give, ICP with a microwave digester is the best general  
method.  One run does all the metals.  If you have ultralow limits  
then ICP-MS may be needed.  Although some may recommend it, I say stay  
away from GFAA.  Spend the little extra on ICP-MS and get less  
headache.  There are now low end models out there and some deals to be  
had in this economy  Mercury is on your list takes a separate machine.

You best bet for all this is to talk to the lab you are using now and  
get their advice.  They know your limits and what is current in your  
state and permits.  It is the permit methods in your location that  
should be used.

Dr.Henry A. Boyter Jr.
Director of Research
Institute of Textile Technology
NC State University College of Textiles
Box 8301
2401 Research Drive
Raleigh, NC 27695-8301

"Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied,--
"If you seek for Eldorado!"

FROM: jimmykwok**At_Symbol_Here**RAM-CHEM.COM
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Wastewater testing

Dear All,
The AAS is the best to use if your wastewater is with many oil or  
grease at ppm level. It is easy to clean the atomizer. Anyway the  
metal concentration is below 2ppm in the wastewater, so you have to  
run the sample without dilution , then it takes the risks of  
blocking . if there has more than 200ppm in the wastewater , so the  
sample should have 1 to 100 dilution factor , so the risk of blocking  
is less than 2 ppm .

You have to use different gases in the AAS for Cd and Pb .

The ICP is OK to use without many different AA lamps and different  
gases for Cd and Pb; but you have to take the pretreatment on oil and  
grease TDS , total suspended solid , as these will block the atomizer.

The pretreatment is to take precipitation out of the TDS and Oil/  
grease and filtered prior to the ICP dilution sample preparations .

It is very common in the Analytical Lab in this application.

Jimmy Kwok

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