(Note: This post is 16 years old and may contain outdated information.)

Date: Thu, 6 Aug 2009 09:28:24 -0500
Reply-To: "Harry J. Elston" <helston**At_Symbol_Here**FGI.NET>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: "Harry J. Elston" <helston**At_Symbol_Here**FGI.NET>
Subject: Re: ADA Compliant Fume Hoods
Comments: To: "R Alton Simpson (asimpson)"



Ergonomic issues aside, the best thing to do in this situation is to tes t the hood as it's being used for containment.  If it can be demonstra ted that it's containing chemical vapors then you're well on your way to sa ying it's satisfactorily working.


I prefer smoke because you can get more information on hood flow pattern s and you can use it to teach operators about proper hood use, but a few dr ops of glacial acetic acid or concentratd ammonium hydroxide in a watc hglass can be used to check for containment as well.  You ca n tell right away if there are fugative emissions from the hood.


NB - HAc and Ammonia are not ANSI approved tests, your mileage may vary, see your local dealer for complete information etc.



-----Original Message-----
From: "R Alton Simpson (asimp son)"
Sent: Aug 6, 2009 8:41 AM
To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**L IST.UVM.EDU
Subject: [DCHAS-L] ADA Compliant Fume Hoods

Have any of you had experience with ADA compliant fume hoods being used by non-wheelchair bound personnel?  I have concerns that the shorter height (floor to work surface) of an ADA compliant hood wi ll be a problem when used by people who would stand in front of the hood to work.  Is there merit to my concern?

Thanks for any input that you can provide.  Pleas e feel free to reply directly to asimpson**At_Symbol_Here**memphis.edu.



Alton Simpson, CHMM, NRCC-CHO

Director, Environmental Health and Safety

The University of Memphis

216 Browning Hall

Memphis, TN  38152-3340

(901) 678-4672   fax (901) 678-4673


Harry J. Elston, Ph.D., CIH
Midwest Chemical Safety, LLC

Editor, Journal of Chemical Health & Safety

Nationalized health care:  All the efficiency of FEMA with all
the compassion of the IRS

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