(Note: This post is 16 years old and may contain outdated information.)

Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 20:32:41 -0400
Reply-To: Carole.Savoie**At_Symbol_Here**polymtl.ca
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Carole Savoie <carole.savoie**At_Symbol_Here**POLYMTL.CA>
Subject: Re: Storing Gas Cylinders Horizontally
In-Reply-To: <48A020E1942E024DB0F2A6B68A131244077B0FAF6A**At_Symbol_Here**XEDAMAIL2.ex.ad3.ucdavis.edu>


The weight of the cylinder and its contain vs the risk of developping 
back, arm, shoulder, etc. problems when handling the cylinders.

The fact that the valve would (could) be in contact with some gases 
(e.g. liquified gases).

The fact that the valve, on an horizontally stored cylinder, could be 
bumped by anything passing around (e.g. cart).  The valve remains the 
fragile point on a cylinder even if there is a protective cap on it.

The fact that they are (round-shape) cylinders and can move (almost) by 

The fact that you cannot store them one one top of the other the way we 
can store them close to one another vertically.

Physically a cylinder is not supposed to be stored horizontally.  I 
personnally never saw square-cylinders.

Here are my first thoughts on the question.

Good evening
Carole Savoie, Ph.D. chimie
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"Debbie M. Decker"  a =C3=A9crit=C2=A0:

> Excuse the cross-postings.
> Besides not storing acetylene (and other fuel gases) horizontally, 
> can you think of any reason why gas cylinders can't be stored 
> horizontally?
> Thanks,
> Debbie
> --------------------
> Debbie M. Decker, Campus Chemical Safety Officer
> Environmental Health and Safety
> University of California, Davis
> 1 Shields Ave.
> Davis, CA  95616
> (530)754-7964/(530)752-4527 (FAX)
> dmdecker**At_Symbol_Here**ucdavis.edu
> Co-Conspirator to Make the World A
> Better Place -- Visit 
> www.HeroicStories.com and join the 
> conspiracy

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