Check out Safety Emporium for your N95, N99, and face shield needs.
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2010 16:05:14 -0500
Reply-To: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: ILPI <info**At_Symbol_Here**ILPI.COM>
Subject: Re: Cryogenics face shield?
In-Reply-To: <OFBDA3F062.7E0D1456-ON852576E3.006BE7B9-852576E3.006CE806**At_Symbol_Here**westpharma.com>
This is another one of
those topics that telegraphs the safety disconnect between academia and
I have 15 years of experience using
liquid nitrogen at four major research institutions (on a daily basis
for many of those) and I don't recall anyone *ever* using a face shield
when working with liquid nitrogen, and that includes filling 200 liter
dewars from the larger building supply dewar and the NMR lab techs who
do the routine N2/He fills. At *best* safety glasses were used,
and I can distinctly recall seeing folks doing Dewar fills without any
eye protection - after all, they weren't in the lab anymore, they were
down by the loading dock or in a basement somewhere for the big fills,
and safety glasses are only required in labs,
Of course, in those 15 years I never saw
or heard of an incident involving liquid nitrogen that required any sort
of first aid treatment. I did see a second degree frostbite burn
on someone who carried a block of dry ice without gloves, personally
found out that sticking my head way down into the dry ice chest to get
the last block is not a good idea, and saw (as you all know) plenty of
fires and explosions, but no issues with liquid
Now, I'm not saying that liquid N2 is
harmless and that you don't need face shields or other protection
(insulating gloves, even ear plugs for Dewar transfers). Although
one could probably argue face shields are overkill, that's not the point
of my comment.
The point is that the academic
research community is often blind to best practices. The safety
culture of academia is undermined by the transient nature of the staff
(grad students showing new grad students how they learned to do things
"safely"). We saw that with the UCLA tragedy and I can all but
guarantee that there are still labs that use improper transfer
techniques for pyrophorics because that's the way they've always been
done in those labs. How do we unlearn bad habits that come about
through inertia or oversight? How do academics prepare students
for a job in industry when they've never held industrial jobs
It's almost like we (i.e. industry,
academia, chemists, biologists, safety admins etc.) need a peer-reviewed
and maintained "Wikipedia of Research Safety" that researchers
everywhere could *easily* turn to as a gold standard of sorts.
Want to know the safe way of doing a particular procedure or the dangers
or a particular chemical? Go there. Want to know how
formalin is handled at other institutions? Go there and find a
concise listing. Forget random web searches, we need one central
location with definitive answers.
I'd say that
the DCHAS community's response to the UCLA incident was an excellent
first step in that direction. And there are many other individual
resources out there that could be linked to for further information.
I wonder if something like I describe would be fundable
through ACS/NSF/NIH etc.? Would there be a support for a Safety
Initiative that could underlie the thousands of individual efforts made
by colleges, universities, and businesses alike? Something that
would not just make safety compliance easier but better? I guess
that's all a whole new thread....
Safety Emporium - Lab & Safety Supplies featuring brand
A lab tech writes:
Do you have a
recommendation for an appropriate face shield that people
should be
using when working with LN2? I've been searching the web and
hard to find a specific recommendation for a face shield to be
worn with
cryogenics. I don't see any guidelines on OSHA that point
to any
particulars and nothing on the Cryogenic Society of America's
site either.
I would appreciate your assistance.
Does anyone
have any favorites they'd like to recommend?
- Ralph
Stuart, CIH
Environmental Safety Manager
University of
Environmental Safety Facility
667 Spear St. Burlington, VT
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