(Note: This post is 15 years old and may contain outdated information.)

Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 11:15:10 -0400
Reply-To: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Fred <fred123**At_Symbol_Here**BELLSOUTH.NET>
Subject: Re: Reproductive Health and Safety in a Biotech
In-Reply-To: <SNT105-W356A871DB996A393D4A40CFC1A0**At_Symbol_Here**phx.gbl>

This is a good summary of the various sources and a list of all of the ones we could identify from the various peer reviewed literature.

Variations in reproductive and developmental toxicant identification

Journal of Chemical Health and Safety
Volume 17, Issue 1, January-February 2010, Pages 29-53

Fred Simmons

Savannah River Nuclear Solutions

From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**list.uvm.edu] On Behalf Of Paul Sonnenfeld
Sent: Saturday, April 03, 2010 11:59 PM
To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Reproductive Health and Safety in a Biotech

The National Library of Medicine's TOXNET service has a rather comprehensive database of peer-reviewed literature on teratogens and mutagens (www.nlm.nih.gov) including non-US research and sources.

Paul Sonnenfeld, CPEA

Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 13:41:22 -0700
From: Danielle.Boren**At_Symbol_Here**SENOMYX.COM
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Reproductive Health and Safety in a Biotech
To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU

Hello All,< /p>

 < /p>

I’m wondering if anyone has dealt with training scientists (chemists and biologists) on potential reproductive hazards in the laboratory. < /p>

 < /p>

I work for a biotech company, and currently we have 7 pregnant employees (110 employees total). All of these employees are in the medicinal chemistry group.  It has been my experience that the pregnant employees are very cautious and knowledgeable about the hazards they are working with, however not all of their co-workers are. < /p>

 < /p>

My company would like me to present a training or seminar of some sort that educates and informs all laboratory workers of the reproductive hazards they work with.< /p>

 < /p>

Has anyone else done this before? Any resources or suggestions?

 < /p>

Thank you.< /p>

 < /p>

Danielle M. Boren< /p>


Laboratory Safety Manager< /p>

Senomyx, Inc.< /p>

4767 Nexus Center Dr. San Diego, Ca 92121

858-646-8357 office< /p>

858-404-0752 fax< /p>

858-401-2374 mobile< /p>


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