(Note: This post is 15 years old and may contain outdated information.)

Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 08:10:16 -0400
Reply-To: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Steven Wathen <SWATHEN**At_Symbol_Here**SIENAHEIGHTS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Fwd: COMMERCIAL: Free GHS Webinar
In-Reply-To: <6c429.e1fec52.39021553**At_Symbol_Here**cs.com>


Thanks for the helpful answer.  I know I'm not the only one who had no idea
 what GHS meant.

Dr. Steven P. Wathen
Associate Professor of Chemistry
Siena Heights University
1247 East Siena Heights Drive
Adrian, MI 49221

(517) 264-7657
From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**list.uvm.edu] On Behalf Of ACTSNYC**At_Symbol_Here**C
S.COM [ACTSNYC**At_Symbol_Here**CS.COM]
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 5:10 PM
To: DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Fwd: COMMERCIAL: Free GHS Webinar

In a message dated 4/22/2010 7:10:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Alvaldenio**At_Symbol_Here**A
OL.COM writes:

Define GHS!

GHS=Globbally Harmonized System for labeling and Safety Data Sheets devel
oped by the UN in cooperation with many countries including the US but spea
rheaded by the Germans.  The system is now accepted by the European Union a
nd many other countries.  OSHA proposed last September to convert our MSDSs
 to GHS SDSs.  EPA, DOT and CPSC are all in the process of attempting to ad
opt the GHS for labeling.

I just taught a class on this in Amsterdam and another here in the US for m
y scenic artists.  In the course in NYC, I used the GHS format and two MSDS
s from Sigma-Aldrich to illustrate the difference between the old and the n
ew data sheets.  The Sigma-Aldrich data sheets from 2010 use most of the GH
S format.  This format has blanks for various toxicity tests required under
 GHS.  You can just look down the blanks and see the either the test result
s or the words "no data available" which quickly shows when tests have not 
been done.  The only thing Sigma-Aldrich does the old way is that dumb line
 about not being listed by IARC when instead, they should say that there is
 "no data available."

I'm so enthused about finally being able to easily demonstrate how few chem
icals have been tested, especially for chronic hazards, even when they are 
in suspect classes.  Students and workers need to know that their chemical'
s hazards are mostly unknown.

Monona Rossol

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