Just a quick comment on this. I'm not a synthesis person, but I will
say from experience that, while I know picrates are explosive, wetted
picric acid is safe, and isn't absurd from a cost standpoint to either
purchase or dispose of (it's probably more expensive, but not as much
as say mercury or cadmium salts can be). We still use picric acid in
our histology classes, and as such we simply make sure the jar or two
that we have stays perfectly wetted (we inspect the jars frequently).
We have written into our plans a picric acid procedure, including
disposal and repurchasing procedures should they be needed.
Just make sure you have a procedure for this one. Students can make it, but be certain to collect the material and store it appropriately. You may want to routinely dispose of it if it is something that is going to be made but not used. Is there any reason why they want to make it (just curious)?
Good luck with this one
On 5/10/2010 4:50 PM, Richardson, Nancy A (Faculty Biology/Chemistry) wrote:
I was wondering what sort of safety procedures should be used when undergraduates synthesize picric acid. Also, what one should do with the material after it is made? As I remember the disposal cost is rather high and it is not something one wants to store long term especially if it likely to be forgotten about. We have organic students that want to do special projects and a few want the opportunity to make picric acid.
Thanks for any comments and help on this.
Nancy Richardson
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