(Note: This post is 15 years old and may contain outdated information.)

Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2010 13:06:02 +1000
Reply-To: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Gary Golding <Gary_Golding**At_Symbol_Here**HEALTH.QLD.GOV.AU>
Subject: Re: Precipitate Sampling
In-Reply-To: <OFE6142BE2.CC8D3AF3-ON85257800.006D4BD1-85257800.006E02BD**At_Symbol_Here**srs.gov>

When faced with unknowns like this we usually run a metals screen on t he ICP and extract some of the residue in methanol and put it through a GCM S screen.  These two cover a lot of evils. A quick check for asbestos may be appropriate depending upon the age of the building.
We once had  to look into the false ceiling of an old  unive rsity chemistry building. We found that over the years mercury had accumula ted in the goose neck in the pipes under the sink. When the plumbers remove d the plug at the bottom of the goose neck mercury spilled into the false c eiling. It was like a starry night up there. The lesson being that you neve r know what you may find in laboratory pipes.

Gary Golding FRACI(CChem)

Managing Scientist Chemical Analysis Forensic and Scientific Se rvices
Clinical and Statewide Services Division | < SPAN lang=EN-US style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #73182c; FONT-FAMILY: Ta homa; mso-ansi-language: EN-US">Queensland Health


PO Bo x 594
ARCHERFIELD Queensland 4108
Ph: 07 3000 9322

Mob: 0419 765 214
Fax: 07 3274 9119

Email : Gary_Golding**At_Symbol_Here**health.qld .gov.au

Web: www.health.qld.gov.au/ qhcss/qhss/

>>> Fred Simmons <fred. simmons**At_Symbol_Here**SRS.GOV> 22/12/2010 6:01 am >>>

You're correct about the TCLP, I would at a minimum expect to find silver and chro mium from the photo lab and almost any metal from the metals lab, especiall y those used in plating.  Depending on the type of film they were proc essing you may also find residual organics form the color dyes.  Beyon d that there may be salts of acids such as acetic and, ammonium dichromate, sulfite(s), hydroxides etc.


Fred simmons
Savannah River Nuclear Solutions

From:        Wendy Camp bell <wendycampbell**At_Symbol_Here**BOISESTATE.EDU>
To:        DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU
Date:        12/21/2010 02:37 PM
Subject:         [DCHAS-L] Precipitate Sampling
Sent by:        DCHAS-L Discussion List & lt;DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>

Hey all,

I just ran into an interest ing situation.  Some years ago, there was a plumbing leak in a pipe tu nnel.  The "grey" water in the lines that leaked out originated in a p hotography teaching lab and a metal arts teaching lab.  After the leak was fixed, the water was simply allowed to dry in the tunnel and now there is a lot of dust left on the floor.  There will be a lot of work perf ormed in the tunnels in the next month or two, and this will certainly stir up the dust.  

I know what processes are done there now, and I have a good idea of "recent" history (the past 10 years or so), but I'm n ot overly familiar with historical photography lab practices and the photog raphy manager is newer here than I am.  Based on what I do know, I gra bbed a sample of the material and will have it tested to see what might be in there and at what levels so we can start planning a clean-up of the area .  My question to the list is this:  What would you sample for?  It would be awesome to have that mysterious machine from CSI that can analyze molecules in seconds in the field, all the way down to the brand of perfume and its retailers, but......  I'm thinking a TCLP for metals is in order, but is there anything else that I should request of the lab do ing the analysis?      


Wendy Campbell, CSP
Occupational Health and Safety Officer
En vironmental Health and Safety
Boise State University
1910 University Drive
Boise, Idaho 83725-1826
Office: (208) 426-3303
Fax:  ( 208) 426-3343

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