Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 08:36:35 -0700
Reply-To: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
Sender: DCHAS-L Discussion List <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**LIST.UVM.EDU>
From: Rebecca Lally <rrlally**At_Symbol_Here**UCI.EDU>
Subject: Re: Light illumination in laboratories
In-Reply-To: <AANLkTi=9-x0q9Vebg4oZV5WqBc=5tFNy76XqsQnWQ0Ox**At_Symbol_Here**>
EPA's Labs 21 has issued a document titled "Efficient Electric Lighting in Laboratories" . The document summarizes best practices for energy efficient lighting in labs.
Janet Baum wrote, On 3/17/2011 6:01 PM:
Dear Mike, Yes, that range is industry standard. However many factors influence the perception of "adequate lighting". Among the factors is the reflectance of room and benchtop surfaces. Black surfaces absorb light and even if you put a light meter on the surface, it measures 100 fc, many scientists would say it's still too dim. It's perception, not the amount of light hitting the countertop. If surfaces are light colored, there is reflectance adding to the perception of good quality light. Another strategy for optimizing the perception of light is to provide up light, toward ceilings with some reflectance value, in addition to normal down light. The more the light bounces around a room, normally that improves distribution, reducing glare and hot spots.
Another factor is the color of light. 5500 K at >90% CRI simulates "daylight" and is very satisfactory for most people. These are just a few hints for you to investigate to achieve good lighting in laboratories.
On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 10:02 AM, Reuter, Mike - Dairy One <Mike.Reuter**At_Symbol_Here**> wrote:
The question came up recently at our laboratory; Are there any specific regulations regarding required or even recommended light intensities in foot candles for analytical labs?
The only thing I could come up with at the moment was in the Handbook of Chemical Health and Safety by Robert J. Alaimo. It recommended that the light intensity at the bench for typical chemistry labs to range between 80-100 foot candles.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Michael J. Reuter
Forage Laboratory Chemist
Health and Safety Director
Dairy One
730 Warren Road
Ithaca, NY 14850
Phone 1-607-257-1272, ext. 2166
Fax 1-607-257-1350
email mike.reuter**At_Symbol_Here**
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