From: "Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety" <secretary**At_Symbol_Here**DCHAS.ORG>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Call for Papers: The 30th Annual College & University Hazardous Waste Conference
Date: February 1, 2012 1:35:47 PM EST
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: <1152C063-BFF6-4107-A77B-B0ECAC403E5D**At_Symbol_Here**>
DCHAS Members,
The 30th Annual College & University Hazardous Waste Conference
Sunday, 29 July - Wednesday, 1 August, 2012
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
Your 2012 College and University Hazardous Waste Conference is accepting proposals for presentations.
Please email your 1-paragraph abstract/summary/idea to francis.churchill**At_Symbol_Here**
Top 10 Reasons why you want to present at CUHWC 2012
10. Preparing a presentation helps you tie up loose ends and fill in gaps.
9. Hone your presentation skills (this is a friendly audience).
8. Show off a program that works well for you.
7. Improve your program by showing the challenges you are facing.
6. Become the guru on a subject.
5. Speakers pay a lot less $$$ for conference registration!
4. It looks great on your resume or CV.
3. Take home a speaker gift from Vermont.
2. Beam in the adoration of your colleagues.
1. Make this an informative learning opportunity for all.
Possible Topics for presentations (some culled from HazWaste Forum)
Charge back systems for hazardous waste
Proposed Universal Waste Rule for Pharmaceuticals
Chemical Safety Board findings on lab accidents
Respiratory protection for students
Empty containers - What to do with them?
What about e-scrap processing facilities?
Managing animals (waste) contaminated with highly toxic materials
Mercury vacuums and cleanup
RCRA & Haz Com compared with Academic Waste Rule & Lab Standard
Hazardous Waste Determination Process
Job Hazard Analysis
Prioritizing campus safety & compliance risks
Other ideas that are important to you
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