From: "George D. McCallion" <medchem**At_Symbol_Here**COMCAST.NET>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] dry butyl lithium
Date: May 16, 2012 8:08:48 PM EDT
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: <D00B3B3653854B409FFB3653993C90860A77373B**At_Symbol_Here**>
Hi everyone,
I have a question that I’m surprised I cannot get an answer to through the normal channels.
We did a small lab cleanout this week and discovered a bottle of butyl lithium, 1.6M solution in hexanes. The hexane is completely dried up.
We’ve left it in the lab for now. But need to move it to our central waste storage site soon.
Is there a problem with transporting this material across campus?
Ellen Sweet
Hazardous Materials Coordinator
Cornell University Environmental Health and Safety
office: (607) 254-8644
cell: (315) 730-8896
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