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From: Margaret Rakas <mrakas**At_Symbol_Here**SMITH.EDU>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Data Sources for Aqueous Mixtures of Flammable Solvents...
Date: September 24, 2012 4:33:00 PM EDT
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: <CAAszpkwVJtP2PfsYqFK4Leo9GFx1WQGHj=nv1+vmVS7wEq9UxA**At_Symbol_Here**mail.gmail.com>
Good afternoon,
Short term question (give a woman a fish....): Does anyone know the concentration at which an acetonitrile/water mixture has a flashpoint above 141F? (From what I've found by reviewing MSDS's for products, even a 10% mixture apparently has a flashpoint around 80F...)
Longer term question (give a woman a fishing rod): Is there a sourcebook for these sorts of data/mixtures?
I have googled many different phrases today and spent an hour or more without success...
I have a PI receiving a radiolabelled compound in acetonitrile; it'll be much diluted by the time it's waste but I'd like to set a clear guideline along the lines of "At X% the material will not be considered mixed waste."
Many thanks-
Margaret A. Rakas, Ph.D.
Manager, Inventory & Regulatory Affairs
Clark Science Center
413-585-3877 (p)
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