From: Jay T <ojt3**At_Symbol_Here**COMCAST.NET>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] working with nanomaterial
Date: October 8, 2012 8:12:48 AM EDT
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: <2007F9C576C3D241B867246C6772AEA332B10D6B**At_Symbol_Here**>

On 10/5/2012 09:02, Geraci, Charles L. (Chuck) (CDC/NIOSH/EID) wrote:

Dear Jay,


There are some good research results that we can point to that provide good answers and guidance for concerns over engineered nanomaterials. First off, ultrafine particulate containment and control is not something new to the Industrial Hygiene and engineering control communities. Many of the principles developed for ultrafine particulates apply directly to engineered nanomaterials; a new type of ultrafine. What is different is that nanomaterials are being developed and introduced into nearly every area of commerce because of their new behavior and properties. It is thier ‘purity of activity’ that makes them more of a challenge than ambient ultrafine particles. There is no doubt that they are or will be encountered just about everywhere.


Filtration: Starting with some joint research conducted between NIOSH and the Center for Filtration Research (U of Minnesota); the efficiency of HEPA filters to capture nanoparticles was demonstrated in control ventilation filters. That research was extended to respirator filters, and ultimately to manufacturer supplied respirators. A quick summary of NIOSH’s research and recommendations is available on the NIOISH Science Blog:


Containment systems: NIOSH, and others have promoted the use of lower-flow containment devices for tasks that involve open handling (weighing, dispensing, inspection, etc.) of the dry powder form of nanomaterials. Several good sources of information are available. The NIOSH Nanotechnology Topic page:  and the GoodNanoGuide site:  Containment devices that generate a high level of turbulence, such as laboratory fume hoods and biological safety cabinets, may not be the best option for control. As you so correctly noted, any containment device should be tested and verified. Similar extensions and reapplications are occurring with protective equipment, such as gloves and protective garments.






Charles L. Geraci, Jr.,  Ph.D., CIH
Coordinator, Nanotechnology Research Center
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
4676 Columbia Parkway
Cincinnati, OH  45226





From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU] On Behalf Of Jay Toigo
Sent: Thursday, October 04, 2012 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] working with nanomaterial


How do you address nanomaterial that can pass through many filters as well as many materials? Of course it may take some time for this phenomenon to occur; considering this before worker contamination happens would be prudent. These materials represent a hazard that we have not really faced  before. We may only know a small portion of what we need to know to work safely with these materials; it is not prudent to use our standby tactics and procedures for health and safety.  TEST and VERIFY all containment systems thoroughly before proceeding with any work.




Jay Toigo. CHMM, M.P.H

 Chemist. U.S. Customs and Border Protection

Laboratories and Scientific Services, New York


Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 2, 2012, at 10:38, "Robin M. Izzo" <rmizzo**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU> wrote:


A glove box, a nano hood (a lower flow hood fitted with HEPA or ULPA filters, preferably with an ionizer) or a biosafety cabinet are better alternatives.  Our researchers mainly use glove boxes and one uses a nano hood when working with solid nanomaterials.






Robin M. Izzo, M.S.

Associate Director, EHS

Princeton University

609-258-6259 (office)


Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.

~ Mark Twain 


From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU] On Behalf Of Yung Morgan
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 9:00 AM
Subject: [DCHAS-L] working with nanomaterial


Dear  members,


   Does anyone have a source on  a containment system  for  safely weighing  dry nanomaterial?   A chemical hood is usually too turbulent for the accuracy of a Mettler balance.  Any thought you have including precaution(s) to take for this type of  work would be appreciated.  


Thank you and keep up the great work you do.


Yung Morgan, MsPH
Laboratory Safety
Industrial Hygiene Services
Environmental Health and Safety
117 Draper hall
UMASS,Amherst MA 01003
phone (413)  545-2682
Fax  (413) 545-2600
email : pmorgan**At_Symbol_Here**


Thank you Chuck for your enlightening and informative reply. CDC/NIOSH contributes a great deal to CHAS; I am truly grateful for these significant contributions.
Your discussion and reference points are correct and relevant to a tee, work being conducted at Rice University ( has been sited earlier in the discussion and offers a wealth of information on this subject as well. My concern as stated and reiterated by you is that we need to proceed with caution when handling these materials. I do not wish to impede progress in the development of nanomaterials (NM), I embrace quite the opposite opinion in this regard, they represent a much needed novel revenue stream for our country as well as the ROW.
 The genie cannot be put back into the lamp, nanoparticles due to their size will affect organisms on the cellular level and may remain there for the remainder of that cells life. Mesoscopic physics play a role in this phenomenon, a very new field of study, especially when long term influence of cellular material is involved. In the results from my literature search in 2011 I found that that TiO2 particles in the nano-size range become incorporated at the cellular level (Nature,Nanotechnology, Vol 6, March 2011, P139). Similar work during the same timeframe found nano-sized gold nano- particles act likewise in plant cells.  Evidence gathered for the GAO study in 2008 (GAO-08-709T, report from the subcomittee charged with studying the health and safety of NMs) indicates that there needs to be improved accuracy in determining the effects of these materials on the entire environment. This report was the impetus for the work conducted and reported by NIOSH that you have pointed out. These initial steps only, point the way toward safe handling of these new class of materials,  further study and development should be seriously considered.
Health and safety development work during the product development process will save $$ and lives, we would  be wise to learn from our mistakes and not allow another DDT, asbestos or pthalates debacle to begin. It is far easier, less expensive, (not to mention safer) to be forward thinking and acting and not treat these very important materials with a business as usual attitude.
We as health and safety professionals must voice our concerns when they are warranted and offer suggestions to improve H&S if formulated. 

Respectfully Submitted,
Jay Toigo, CHMM,  M.P.H.

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