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From: Jeffrey Lewin <jclewin**At_Symbol_Here**MTU.EDU>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] lab remodel with chemical safety in mind
Date: October 19, 2012 5:04:07 PM EDT
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: <81517D60279DA14B9C4EB0E41FBFA68712ABD098**At_Symbol_Here**bluenose.carroll.edu>
My background is biology labs (both research and teaching), but we do enough chemistry that there is overlap:
(I'm betting there is an ACS document out there that covers most of this)
Does the room have adequate ventilation; do you need one (or more) fumehoods; do you need individual snorkels.
Do you have storage for backpacks and other personal items; if in the hall is it secure.
Do you need storage for student lab coats; if they take them out of the lab how do they take care not to contaminate their bags, homes, etc.
As mentioned in another post, you will likely need more power on student benches then you realize; plan on max of 2 hot plates per 20 amp circuit.
Do you need natural gas run to benches.
Do you have adequate storage for flammables; for hazardous wastes..
When possible I like to have all my safety equipment in one corner (eyewash, safety showers, first aid, posters on emergency response, spill kits, phone, etc. In an emergency you go to the "safety corner" then figure out what you need.
Are there adequate sinks for hand washing.
Think NOW about AV projection equipment. Even if you don't use it now, there is a good chance you might in the future.
What policies will you have on using personal items (computers, calculators, smart phones) in lab; do you need storage for lab provided electronics.
Jeff Lewin
Biological Sciences
Michigan Technological University
On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 12:29 PM, Strode, Kyle
<strode**At_Symbol_Here**carroll.edu> wrote:
We are in the planning stages for a remodel of an existing engineering lab into a chemistry undergraduate research laboratory. How should the room be outfitted in terms of chemical safety considerations?
We are thinking
ABC Fire extinguisher (do we need a D?)
Eyewash stations at each sink
Shower just outside the door (already in place)
First aid box on wall
Fire blanket
What are we missing?
Kyle Strode
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