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From: "Skarda, Jay" <SkardaJ**At_Symbol_Here**NJHEALTH.ORG>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Eating and Drinking in Laboratories
Date: December 5, 2012 5:45:52 PM EST
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: <CAOotMD=VaxcYJXnXFt6LR7p9DM8aB=Yptj6AR54C2UqKHffWBQ**At_Symbol_Here**mail.gmail.com>
From my experience, I am guessing that the reason for this
query is that someone replied, "Why", when told not to do so. (Kinda
like when we tell small children not to do something, and they
reply "why"=3F, and we say because I said so). But, these being
adults, who push back on that answer, the safety person is then
on the spot. Being the results-oriented sort of people that we are,
we try to come up with proof why it is a bad practice. I asked this very
question to one of our occupational medicine doctors about 10 years ago.
He said he'd never heard of any sort of data on something like this. So I
just fell back to the old standby, "Prudent Practices in the
Laboratory". It's in there.
Director of Safety
National Jewish Health
Does anyone know where I could find statistical (not anecdotal) data
on illness or injuries related to eating and drinking in laboratories=3F
Miriam W. Weil, MPH, ScD
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