(Note: This post is 13 years old and may contain outdated information.)

From: 8524828hau**At_Symbol_Here**COMCAST.NET
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Gas cylinder storage in chemical fume hoods
Date: December 6, 2012 11:17:41 AM EST
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: <4CB9A51AE5B8C44BA13375C794CBA29AD0D823A857**At_Symbol_Here**UMAOITEXMB.oit.ads.umass.edu>

I have used gas cylinder stands similar to those depicted at http://www.mathesongas.com/pdfs/products/Model-700-Cylinder-Stand.pdf for in-hood USE of particularly hazardous gases such as carbon monoxide or hydrogen sulfide.   Matheson is certainly not the only source of such cylinder support stands.  The table at the bottom of the cylinder stand description page indicates the several diameters (and volumes) of small to mid size cylinders (larger than a lecture bottle) that are typically available from all of the major gas suppliers for industry/research. As long as the main valve is securely closed, the protective cap securely affixed, the storage area is well ventilated, and a means for preventing tip over is in place, there is typically no need to STORE small to mid-size   standby cylinders in a hood.  Storage of stand-by small to mid size cylinders in hood would unnecessarily compromise the designed laminar air flow in the hood.
See http://www.mathesongas.com/industrialgas/pdfs/Industrial-Cylinder-Dimensions.pdf for an array of industry-standard small to mid-size cylinders (larger than a lecture bottle) available from Matheson (and many other suppliers of compressed gases).  Unlike lecture bottles that only have an on/off valve, the small-to-mid size cylinders are equipped with both a main valve and a threaded coupling component allowing attachment of a gas-appropriate one- or two-stage pressure regulator with needle valve for controlling flow rate.

By the way, the recommended (or required) orientation for storage and use of lecture bottles is in the vertical position, typically in a home-made or commercially available "crate."  As I recall, the Compressed Gas Association (CGA) literature defines this requirement.

David Haugen
Retired in Illinois

From: "Yung Morgan" <pmorgan**At_Symbol_Here**EHS.UMASS.EDU>
Sent: Wednesday, December 5, 2012 2:28:06 PM
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Gas cylinder storage in chemical fume hoods

Dear members,


Please excuse me if these questions about cylinders storage in laboratories hoods  had been circulating with this group before.


1.       Have you been able to use gas cylinders larger than lecture bottle size inside a chemical fume hood?. 

2.       If  larger gas cylinders in chemical fume hoods are used, how exactly have they been used? 

3.        If you have not used larger gas cylinders in chemical fume hoods, is it only due to NFPA 45 or another reason? 


Any thoughts you have will be appreciated. Thank you  and  Happy Holidays season!


Best wishes,

Yung Morgan, MsPH
Laboratory Safety
Industrial Hygiene Services
Environmental Health and Safety
117 Draper hall
UMASS,Amherst MA 01003
phone (413)  545-2682
Fax  (413) 545-2600
email : pmorgan**At_Symbol_Here**ehs.umass.edu


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