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From: Ed Austin <Ed.Austin**At_Symbol_Here**SIAL.COM>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Fw: [DCHAS-L] Extinguishing agent for air/water reactive materials
Date: December 17, 2012 3:31:59 PM EST
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: <OF301DDAAB.83A628B4-ON86257AD7.00709F0C-86257AD7.0070CB34**At_Symbol_Here**sial.com>
We use lime for such fires=2E It=0Ais inexpensive and easy to apply with a scoop=2E Small bits of sodium=0Acan be tricky to handle=2E You need to find an easy way to quench them=0Aoff before they get accidentally thrown into a wastebasket or a sink=2E=0A
=0AEd Austin, Ph=2ED=2E
=0AManager, Environmental, Health, and Safety
=0ADirect: (414) 438-3815
=0AMobile: (414) 333-4471 =0A
----- Forwarded by Ed=0AAustin/saft/mke/sial on 12/17/2012 02:30 PM -----=0A
From: =0A "Debbie M=2E Decker"=0A<dmdecker**At_Symbol_Here**UCDAVIS=2EEDU>=0A
To: =0A DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED=2ECORNELL=2EEDU,=0A=0A
Date: =0A 12/17/2012 01:04 PM=0A
Subject: =0A [DCHAS-L] Extinguishing=0Aagent for air/water reactive materials=0A
Sent by: =0A DCHAS-L Discussion=0AList <dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**MED=2ECORNELL=2EEDU>=0A
Good morning:=0A
I’m reviewing an incident report from=0Aone of my inorganic synthesis researchers=2E A little sodium, wiped=0Aoff tweezers onto a kimwipe and not properly disposed, that went badly=0Adownhill=2E No one hurt but it sure got everyone’s heart pounding=0Afor a bit=2E=0A
In the corrective action, the lab worker=0Astates they keep LN2 nearby as an extinguishing agent for small air/reactive=0Ametals fires (think size of a beaker)=2E That just sounds all bad=2E=0A In my guidance document, I state that dry sand, Met-L-X, lime, or=0Asoda ash are suitable extinguishing agents for small fires=2E We have=0Aour own fire department and don’t provide Class D fire extinguishers (for=0Aa long list of very good reasons)=2E=0A
I’m getting some push back – that using=0ALN2 is commonplace in this lab and the default fire extinguishing agent=2E=0A
Debbie M=2E Decker, CCHO=0A
Campus Chemical Safety Officer (soon to be=0AChemistry Department Safety Manager)
=0AEnvironmental Health and Safety
=0AUniversity of California, Davis
=0A1 Shields Ave=2E
=0ADavis, CA 95616
=0A(530)754-7964/(530)681-1799 (cell)=0A
(530)752-4527 (FAX)
=0ACo-Conspirator to Make the World A
=0ABetter Place -- Visit www=2EHeroicStories=2Ecom=0Aand join the conspiracy=0A
=0A=0AThis message and any files transmitted with it are the property of=0ASigma-Aldrich Corporation, are confidential, and are intended=0Asolely for the use of the person or entity to whom this e-mail is=0Aaddressed=2E If you are not one of the named recipient(s) or=0Aotherwise have reason to believe that you have received this=0Amessage in error, please contact the sender and delete this message=0Aimmediately from your computer=2E Any other use, retention,=0Adissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this e-mail is=0Astrictly prohibited=2E
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