(Note: This post is 12 years old and may contain outdated information.)

From: "Ralph B. Stuart" <rstuart**At_Symbol_Here**CORNELL.EDU>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Green Chemistry in Higher Education: A EPA Region 2 Faculty Workshop
Date: May 8, 2013 8:15:48 AM EDT
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: <5564F9EDC11C09468EE5DAF02B5CB30F396D5C74**At_Symbol_Here**BY2PRD0410MB376.namprd04.prod.outlook.com>

Green Chemistry in Higher Education: A Region 2 Faculty Workshop
Location: Siena College, Loudonville, NY
Date: July 18 - 21, 2013


The Green Chemistry in Higher Education workshop is a three-day hands-on workshop for EPA Region 2* colleges and universities. Funded through an EPA Region 2 Source Reduction grant, the goal of the workshop is to catalyze the adoption of green chemistry within chemistry programs at Region 2* higher education institutions. The workshop will feature sessions on different methodologies for infusing green chemistry in to chemistry courses, including: implementing industrial case studies in higher education, adopting greener laboratory exercises, green chemistry and toxicology in lecture courses and working sessions on re-designing curricular materials.

The workshop is open to all Region 2 faculty members from higher education institutions. All food and lodging expenses will be paid for participating faculty.
The workshop is coordinated through Beyond Benign, a non-profit dedicated to green chemistry education (www.beyondbenign.org) and will be carried out in partnership with chemistry faculty that currently incorporate green chemistry in to their teaching, service and research.

Instructors include:
- John Warner, President and CTO, Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry
and co-author of Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice
- Mike Cann, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Scranton
- Amy Cannon, Executive Director, Beyond Benign
- Rich Gurney, Dept. of Chemistry and Physics, Simmons College
- Irv Levy, Dept. of Chemistry, Gordon College
- Michael O'Brien, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Siena College

Applications are currently being accepted! Participants will be accepted on a space available basis. Teams of 2-3 faculty from each institution are encouraged to apply.
Send the application form and any questions to: Amy_Cannon**At_Symbol_Here**beyondbenign.org.

* U.S. EPA Region 2 is New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, US Virgin Islands, and eight Tribal Nations

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