From: Debbie M. Decker <dmdecker**At_Symbol_Here**UCDAVIS.EDU>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Moving on
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2013 16:31:23 +0000
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: 3A8C48EDD1C95B4695A9E6C912D43DE22A064042**At_Symbol_Here**
In-Reply-To <1CDA6116-FAB3-43C0-A147-E5C1E0790071**At_Symbol_Here**>
Congratulations! And best wishes for a long, relaxing encore career!
Debbie M. Decker, CCHO
Safety Manager
Department of Chemistry
University of California, Davis
1 Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616
Birkett's hypothesis: "Any chemical reaction
that proceeds smoothly under normal conditions,
can proceed violently in the presence of an idiot."
From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU]
On Behalf Of Anne Skinner
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 10:22 AM
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Moving on
Dear Folks:
My turn to use the 'r' word -- as of this summer I have retired from safety responsibilities at Williams College. As some undoubtedly already know, these roles have been ably taken up by Norm Bell (norman.bell**At_Symbol_Here**,
and it is time for me to drop off these lists.
My thanks for all the help I've received over the years, and best wishes for the future --
Anne Skinner
/O\ /O\ /O\ /O\ /O\ /O\ /O\ /O\ /O\
Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si
\O/ \O/ \O/ \O/ \O/ \O/ \O/ \O/ \O/
Dr. Anne Skinner
Chemistry Department, Williams College
47 Lab Campus Drive
Williamstown, MA 01267
Phone: (413) 597-2285
Fax No: (413) 597-4150
/O\ /O\ /O\ /O\ /O\ /O\ /O\ /O\ /O\
Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si Si
\O/ \O/ \O/ \O/ \O/ \O/ \O/ \O/ \O/
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