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Subject: [DCHAS-L] JOEH Latest Issue Contents - October 2013
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 11:04:37 -0400
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JOEH Latest Issue Contents - October 2013
The following new content is now available online:
Original Articles
Analytical Method Validation for the Determination of 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene in Air Samples Using Gas Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection(abstract)
Authors: Michael P. Mawn, Kristine Kurtz, Deborah Stahl, Richard L. Chalfant, Mary E. Koban and Barbara J. Dawson
Volume 10, Issue 11
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2013.818226
The Audiological Health of Horn Players (abstract)
Authors: Wayne J. Wilson, Ian O‰??Brien and Andrew P. Bradley
Volume 10, Issue 11
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2013.818227
Prevention Guidance for Isocyanate-Induced Asthma Using Occupational Surveillance Data (abstract)
Authors: Carolyn Reeb-Whitaker, Naomi J. Anderson and David K. Bonauto
Volume 10, Issue 11
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2013.818236
Biomonitoring Study of Dry Cleaning Workers Using Cytogenetic Tests and the Comet Assay (abstract)
Authors: Yan Wu and Maosheng YaoRÇta Everatt, Gra3Ú4ina SlapÁyt€?, JÇrat€? Mierauskien€?, Veronika Dedonyt€? and Liuda Bakien€?
Volume 10, Issue 11
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2013.818238
Potential Exposures Associated with Indoor Marijuana Growing Operations (abstract)
Authors: John W. Martyny, Kate A. Serrano, Joshua W. Schaeffer and Mike V. Van Dyke
Volume 10, Issue 11
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2013.831986
Excursion Guidance Criteria to Guide Control of Peak Emission and Exposure to Airborne Engineered Particles (abstract)
Authors: Peter McGarry, Lidia Morawska, Luke D. Knibbs and Howard Morris
Volume 10, Issue 11
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2013.818228
Temporal Variation of Size-Fractionated Particulate Matter and Carbon Monoxide in Selected Microenvironments of the Milan Urban Area (abstract)
Authors: A. Spinazz̬, A. Cattaneo, G. Garramone and D. M. Cavallo
Volume 10, Issue 11
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2013.831985
Engineering Case Report
Lessons Learned: Radiological Protection for Emergency Workers at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi APP (Part 1) (abstract)
Authors: Shojiro Yasui
Volme 10, Issue 11
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2013.832613
Original Articles
Criteria for the Collection of Useful Respirator Performance Data in the Workplace (abstract)
Authors: Larry Janssen, Ziqing Zhuang and Ronald Shaffer
Blood Manganese as an Exposure Biomarker: State of the evidence (abstract)
Authors: Marissa G. Baker MS, Christopher D. Simpson PhD, Bert Stover PhD, Lianne Sheppard PhD, Harvey Checkoway PhD, Brad A. Racette MD and Noah S. Seixas PhD
Comparison of ATP Bioluminescence and Aerobic Bacterial Count for Evaluating Surface Cleanliness in an Italian Hospital (abstract)
Authors: Emanuele Amodio, Lucia Cannova, Maria Rosaria Villafrate, Anna Maria Merendino, Luigi Aprea and Giuseppe Calamusa
Exposure Assessment of Four Pharmaceutical Powders Based on Dustiness and Evaluation of Damaged HEPA Filters (abstract)
Authors: Marcus Levin, Ismo K. Koponen and Keld A. Jensen
Evaluation of a Smoke-Free Law on Indoor Air Quality and on Worker? Health in Portuguese Restaurants (abstract)
Authors: Joana Madureira, Ana Mendes and Jọo Paulo Teixeira
Methamphetamine Residue Dermal Transfer Efficiencies from Household Surfaces (abstract)
Authors: Mike Van Dyke, John W. Martyny and Kate A. Serrano
Orthogonal Design on Range Hood with Air Curtain and Its Effects on Kitchen Environment (abstract)
Authors: Xiaomin Liu, Xing Wang and Guang Xi
How Does Breathing Frequency Affect the Performance of an N95 Filtering Facepiece Respirator and a Surgical Mask Against Surrogates of Viral Particles? (abstract)
Authors: Xinjian He, Tiina Reponen, Roy McKay and Sergey A. Grinshpun
Novel Approach for Suppressing Cutting Dust Using Foam on a Fully Mechanized Face with Hard Parting (abstract)
Authors: Hetang Wang, Deming Wang, Qingguo Wang and Zhiqiang Jia
Use of Direct Versus Indirect Preparation Data for Assessing Risk Associated with Airborne Exposures at Asbestos-Contaminated Sites (abstract)
Authors: Mary Patricia Goldade and Wendy Pott O‰??Brien
Determining Sample Size and a Passing Criterion for Respirator Fit Test Panels (abstract)
Authors: D Landsittel, Z Zhuang, W Newcomb and R BerryAnn
Inhalable Dust Measurements as a First Approach to Assessing Occupational Exposure in the Pharmaceutical Industry (abstract)
Authors: C. Champmartin and F. Clerc
Ambient Air Cooling for Concealed Soft Body Armor in a Hot Environment (abstract)
Authors: Greg A. Ryan, Stacy H. Bishop, Robert L. Herron, Charles P. Katica, Bre'anna L. Elbon, Andrew M. Bosak and Phillip Bishop
A Murine Monoclonal Antibody with Broad Specificity for Occupationally Relevant Diisocyanates (abstract)
Authors: Angela R. Lemons, Paul D. Siegel, Morgen Mhike, Brandon F. Law, Justin M. Hettick, Toni A. Bledsoe, Ajay P. Nayak, Donald H. Beezhold and Brett J. Green
Respirable Dust and Respirable Silica Exposure in Ontario Gold Mines (abstract)
Authors: Dave K. Verma, Gyan S. Rajhans, Om P. Malik and Karen des Tombe
Effects of Transfer Distance on Spine Kinematics for De-palletizing Tasks (abstract)
Authors: Jay P. Mehta, Tae Hoon Kim, Monica R. Weiler and Steven A. Lavender
Exposures to Thoracic Particulate Matter, Endotoxin, and Glucan During Post-Hurricane Katrina Restoration Work, New Orleans 2005 - 2012 (abstract)
Authors: Roy J. Rando, Cheol-Woong Kwon and John J. Lefante
Nitrous Oxide as a Tracer Gas in the ASHRAE 110‰??1995 Standard (abstract)
Authors: Martin Burke, Larry Wong, Ben A. Gonzales and Gerhard Knutson
Quantifying Response Time in Carbon Monoxide Monitors to Produce High-Resolution Measurements (abstract)
Authors: D. B. Young and R. M. Jones
Ultrafine Particles Exposure in Apprentice Welders (abstract)
Authors: Maximilien Debia, Scott Weichenthal and Andr̩ Dufresne
Dermal Absorption of Chemicals: Estimation by IH SkinPerm (abstract)
Authors: Rosalie Tibaldi CIH CSP, Wil ten Berge PhD and Daniel Drolet PhD
Neither Short-term Sprint Nor Endurance Training Enhances Thermal Response To Exercise In A Hot Environment (abstract)
Authors: Gregory W. McGarr M.Sc., Geoffrey L. Hartley M.Sc. and Stephen S. Cheung Ph.D.
DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2013.816429
Influence of Parameter Values and Variances and Algorithm Architecture in ConsExpo Model on Modeled Exposures (abstract)
Authors: Susan F. Arnold and Gurumurthy Ramachandran
Mass Balance Source Apportionment Modeling of Indoor Air Pollution Exposures During the Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony (abstract)
Authors: Chris Keil, Quincy Coleman, Alex Brown and Hailu Kassa
Controlling Formaldehyde Exposures in an Academic Gross Anatomy Laboratory (abstract)
Authors: Robert C. Klein, Cathleen King and Paula Castagna
Adsorption Characteristics of Activated Carbon Fibers (ACFs) for Toluene: Application in Respiratory Protection (abstract)
Authors: Jo Anne G. Balanay, Alfred A. Bartolucci and Claudiu T. Lungu
Moderate-Intensity Intermittent Work in the Heat Results in Similar Low-Level Dehydration in Young and Older Males (abstract)
Authors: Heather E. Wright, Joanie Larose, Tom M. McLellan, Stephen G. Hardcastle, Pierre Boulay and Glen P. Kenny
Development of an Advanced Respirator Fit Test Headform (abstract)
Authors: Michael S. Bergman, Ziqing Zhuang, David Hanson, Brian K. Heimbuch, Michael J. McDonald, Andrew J. Palmiero, Ronald E. Shaffer, Delbert Harnish, Michael Husband and Joseph D. Wander
Human Exposure to Airborne Particles Containing Tantalum in Mining and Metallurgical Activities (abstract)
Authors: K. Moore Dias da Cunha, K. C. Dalia Pereira, J. R.D. Guimaṛes, C. Lima, J. E.C. Nascimento, R. Lima, A. A. Hecht and P. Ward
Case Studies
Evaluation of Cut-resistant Sleeves and Possible Fiberglass Fiber Shedding at a Steel Mill (abstract)
Authors: Diana M. Ceballos, Loren C. Tapp and Douglas M. Wiegand
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