(Note: This post is 12 years old and may contain outdated information.)

From: Alan Hall <ahalltoxic**At_Symbol_Here**GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] - Safety rules for work with hydrogen fluoride and fluoride waste treatment
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 23:11:55 -0600
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: CAHFAP+4Swes_JcskwiALt274PCk8emTqzeeEri0Obs62SrXp1A**At_Symbol_Here**mail.gmail.com
In-Reply-To <66f328893cebb3aa151e13267ea952fa**At_Symbol_Here**mail.gmail.com>

The Honeywell documents and training programs are really quite good. We do not discuss commercial products on this listserve.
You might wish to speak with Dr. Jennings at Honeywell or one of the other OEHS staff.
Alan H. Hall, M.D.
Medical Toxicologist

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 5:25 PM, Melissa Charlton-Smith <charltonsmith**At_Symbol_Here**wvwc.edu> wrote:


Honeywell also has a list of neutralizers and which ones form poisonous or nonpoisonous neutralized products, as well as info on heat evolution etc.



Mel Charlton-Smith

WVWC Chemical Hygiene Officer-NRCC

Chemistry Lab Coordinator, Lecturer

BS-CHO program

Department of Chemistry

WV Wesleyan College

Buckhannon, WV 26201



From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU] On Behalf Of Jeffrey Lewin
Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2013 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] - Safety rules for work with hydrogen fluoride and fluoride waste treatment


I'm far from an expert on HF, but cover it in my class (very) briefly. I believe I was first directed to the Honeywell site from DCHAS last year and from what I understand they are one of the experts in the field.

There are more documents at:

Jeff Lewin

Biological Sciences

Michigan Tech University

On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 4:19 PM, Nadejda Spassova <nspassova**At_Symbol_Here**delmarchem.com> wrote:

Hi all,
I really need the collective wisdom of the group...
I am trying to develop a safety plans for working on a large scale (manufacturing of batches from 10kg to 200kg) with HF, yes I have a very good idea of how dangerous it is ! and fluoride waste treatment.
Any suggestions and ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

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De : DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU] De la part de Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety
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Objet : [DCHAS-L] Chemical Safety Tweets

Chemical Safety Headlines From Google
Wednesday, August 21, 2013 7:49:32 AM

We're having server problems for the headlines, but here are tweets from the last couple of days:

**At_Symbol_Here**JChemHealthSafe Advanced copies of JCHAS just arrived!

acsdchas ACS Summer School - Green Chemistry, Sustainable Energy and Imaginary Mountain Lions | Sustainable Nanotechnology https://t.co/dVVRfCzSR2

acsdchas RT **At_Symbol_Here**CHMMNews: Eagle Scout project tracks hazardous materials on railroad for county . - http://t.co/DXIMcFhIxY http://t.co/fbZaRXTNl3

labsustain "Automated Alternative Chemical, Product, & Process Risk Assessment Workshop Sep 24, 2013,.North Bethesda, MD, USA" http://t.co/wqlZ97JB3q

acsdchas CSB Chair Calls for Regulatory Coverage of Reactive Chemicals Following the West, TX Fertilizer Explosion and Fire http://t.co/5EmdA8ew45

labsustain CDC - - Nanotechnology - 10 Critical Topic Areas - NIOSH Workplace Safety and Health Topic http://t.co/efPHWAo2BW [http://t.co/RTDukkqTVF]

acsdchas Controlling Formaldehyde Exposures in an Academic Gross Anatomy Laboratory http://t.co/Tgi1AFswJ9

acsdchas Catalysis in Green Chemistry Symposium October 4, 2013 Rutgers Busch Campus Piscataway, New Jersey, USA " http://t.co/KSFmSIq6XM

acsdchas "Green Chemistry and Engineering in ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis!" http://t.co/155gzO2rJk

acsdchas RT **At_Symbol_Here**NIOSH: What to do if exposed to blood or other body fluids http://t.co/yIT4bKfUFG #healthcare #ems

labsustain "Applying science to communicate science Right now, it's hard to find relevant information on how to do it well." http://t.co/1xL81FmFLu

acsdchas CDC - - Nanotechnology - 10 Critical Topic Areas - NIOSH Workplace Safety and Health Topic http://t.co/k3JYamVAiB [http://t.co/CBhlX4Ubwe]

labsustain ES&T: NaOH-Modified Ceramic Honeycomb with Enhanced Formaldehyde Adsorption and Removal http://t.co/sFkaz6OVXQ http://t.co/HBeNddmBAg

acsdchas RT **At_Symbol_Here**ChemHeritage: Catch the CHF podcast with our free iOS app: transcripts, bonus videos and sharing options http://t.co/fkzYVusQyC

acsdchas J Chem Ed: Impact of Two Online Learning Systems on Student Performance in General Chemistry http://t.co/NSqUKBRPtp http://t.co/voYWW2ZHTq

labsustain ES&T: StressChip a Tool for Assessing Microbial Community Responses to Environmental Stresses http://t.co/f3XVbHzjOs http://t.co/rZuyZBCTbL

labsustain A Novel Nanoadsorbent As(III) and As(V) Removal from Drinking Water http://t.co/Rm9GTOMDAz http://t.co/HmTUPAyfKe

labsustain RT **At_Symbol_Here**SustainUCSD: White House finally reinstalling solar panels http://t.co/HN0M61BPA3 #solar #whitehouse

acsdchas RT **At_Symbol_Here**NIOSH: What is a NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation? http://t.co/VnzicEGP1i #HHE

acsdchas RT **At_Symbol_Here**VAHMRS: Why We Always React to White Powder Incidents | **At_Symbol_Here**scoopit http://t.co/AeTUQsS4Mm #hazmat #CBRNE

labsustain RT **At_Symbol_Here**Coal_Ash: Will EPA Protect Our Families From Toxic Coal Water Pollution? BY Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. http://t.co/dhVKLWDbaQ #coalash

acsdchas RT **At_Symbol_Here**NIOSHFACE: Another Risk From Fracking: Dust Inhaled By Workers Linked To Deadly Lung Disease http://t.co/bNAgzdmbp8

Ralph Stuart
Division of Chemical Health and Safety
American Chemical Society

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