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From: Ralph Stuart <rstuartcih**At_Symbol_Here**me.com>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Special Issue: Environmental Health and Safety Considerations for Nanotechnology
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2014 14:01:37 -0400
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: C83BB1E2-D78C-4586-8447-D39AC4DA7128**At_Symbol_Here**me.com
People with library access to the periodical "Accounts of Chemical Research" may be interested in a special issue they produced on Environmental Health and Safety Considerations for Nanotechnology. Articles include:
Environmental Health and Safety Considerations for Nanotechnology
Andre Nel , Yuliang Zhao , Lutz M=E4dler
pp 605-606
Nanomaterial Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: Use of a Predictive Toxicological Approach and High-Throughput Screening
Andre Nel, Tian Xia, Huan Meng, Xiang Wang, Sijie Lin, Zhaoxia Ji, and Haiyuan Zhang
pp 607-621
Physicochemical Properties Determine Nanomaterial Cellular Uptake, Transport, and Fate
Motao Zhu, Guangjun Nie, Huan Meng, Tian Xia, Andre Nel, and Yuliang Zhao
Custom-Designed Nanomaterial Libraries for Testing Metal Oxide Toxicity
Suman Pokhrel, Andr=E9 E. Nel, and Lutz M=E4dler
Occupational Nanosafety Considerations for Carbon Nanotubes and Carbon Nanofibers
Vincent Castranova, Paul A. Schulte, and Ralph D. Zumwalde
pp 642-649
The Gold Standard: Gold Nanoparticle Libraries To Understand the Nano-Bio Interface
Alaaldin M. Alkilany, Samuel E. Lohse, and Catherine J. Murphy
pp 650-661
Are Quantum Dots Toxic? Exploring the Discrepancy Between Cell Culture and Animal Studies
Kim M. Tsoi, Qin Dai, Benjamin A. Alman, and Warren C. W. Chan
pp 662-671
Quantum Dot Cytotoxicity and Ways To Reduce It
Fran=E7oise M. Winnik and Dusica Maysinger
pp 672-680
The Role of Surface Functionality in Determining Nanoparticle Cytotoxicity
Sung Tae Kim, Krishnendu Saha, Chaekyu Kim, and Vincent M. Rotello
Safety Considerations for Graphene: Lessons Learnt from Carbon Nanotubes
Cyrill Bussy, Hanene Ali-Boucetta, and Kostas Kostarelos
pp 692-701
Understanding the Toxicity of Carbon Nanotubes
Ying Liu, Yuliang Zhao, Baoyun Sun, and Chunying Chen
pp 702-713
Differences in the Biokinetics of Inhaled Nano- versus Micrometer-Sized Particles
Wolfgang G. Kreyling, Manuela Semmler-Behnke, Shinji Takenaka, and Winfried M=F6ller
pp 714-722
The Biologically Effective Dose in Inhalation Nanotoxicology
Ken Donaldson, Anja Schinwald, Fiona Murphy, Wan-Seob Cho, Rodger Duffin, Lang Tran, and Craig Poland
pp 723-732
Programmed Cell Death: Molecular Mechanisms and Implications for Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials
Fernando Torres And=F3n and Bengt Fadeel
pp 733-742
The Challenge To Relate the Physicochemical Properties of Colloidal Nanoparticles to Their Cytotoxicity
Pilar Rivera-Gil, Dorleta Jimenez De Aberasturi, Verena Wulf, Beatriz Pelaz, Pablo Del Pino, Yuanyuan Zhao, Jesus M. De La Fuente, Idoia Ruiz De Larramendi, Te=F3filo Rojo, Xing-Jie Liang, and Wolfgang J. Parak
Quantification of Carbon Nanomaterials in Vivo
Haifang Wang, Sheng-Tao Yang, Aoneng Cao, and Yuanfang Liu
pp 750-760
Metabolism of Nanomaterials in Vivo: Blood Circulation and Organ Clearance
Bing Wang, Xiao He, Zhiyong Zhang, Yuliang Zhao, and Weiyue Feng
pp 761-769
Inhalation Toxicity Assessment of Carbon-Based Nanoparticles
Yasuo Morimoto, Masanori Horie, Norihiro Kobayashi, Naohide Shinohara, and Manabu Shimada
pp 770-781
Biophysical Responses upon the Interaction of Nanomaterials with Cellular Interfaces
Yun-Long Wu, Nirupama Putcha, Kee Woei Ng, David Tai Leong, Chwee Teck Lim, Say Chye Joachim Loo, and Xiaodong Chen
pp 782-791
Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticle Nanocarriers: Biofunctionality and Biocompatibility
Derrick Tarn, Carlee E. Ashley, Min Xue, Eric C. Carnes, Jeffrey I. Zink, and C. Jeffrey Brinker
pp 792-801
In Silico Analysis of Nanomaterials Hazard and Risk
Yoram Cohen, Robert Rallo, Rong Liu, and HAOYANG HAVEN Liu
pp 802-812
Ecological Nanotoxicology: Integrating Nanomaterial Hazard Considerations Across the Subcellular, Population, Community, and Ecosystems Levels
Patricia A. Holden, Roger M. Nisbet, Hunter S. Lenihan, Robert J. Miller, Gary N. Cherr, Joshua P. Schimel, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
pp 813-822
Mapping the Dawn of Nanoecotoxicological Research
Anne Kahru and Angela Ivask
pp 823-833
Nanotechnology for a Safe and Sustainable Water Supply: Enabling Integrated Water Treatment and Reuse
Xiaolei Qu, Jonathon Brame, Qilin Li, and Pedro J. J. Alvarez
pp 834-843
Searching for Global Descriptors of Engineered Nanomaterial Fate and Transport in the Environment
Paul Westerhoff and Bernd Nowack
pp 844-853
Fate and Risks of Nanomaterials in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments
Graeme E. Batley, Jason K. Kirby, and Michael J. McLaughlin
pp 854-862
Toward the Development of Decision Supporting Tools That Can Be Used for Safe Production and Use of Nanomaterials
Claudia Som, Bernd Nowack, Harald F. Krug, and Peter Wick
pp 863-872
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