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From: "Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety" <secretary**At_Symbol_Here**DCHAS.ORG>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Green Chemistry: The missing element in chemistry education
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 12:42:32 -0400
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Message-ID: CB421730-E660-402D-A72C-0F8C156D1D67**At_Symbol_Here**dchas.org
Green Chemistry: The missing element in chemistry education
Join us for a webinar on October 15, 2014 2:00 PM EDT
by Dr. John C. Warner, President, Founder and C.T.O., Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry
The Green Chemistry Commitment is proud to announce a new webinar series on Green Chemistry Education featuring relevant topics for chemistry faculty and students.
Join us for the first webinar in this series by Dr. John C. Warner. John will discuss the future of chemistry education and answer questions from the audience in the first webinar of the new Green Chemistry Education webinar series. To submit questions in advance, send them directly to Beyond Benign.
Chemists are the only people in the world who have the skills and abilities to create new molecules that have never existed before. The chemistry community has many wonderful accomplishments to be proud of over the years. But there is something missing in our education. We really are not providing chemists with a basic set of tools to interact with the toxicology and environmental health communities to help build safety and sustainability into our design strategies. In the 21st century, consumers, retailers and brand name companies are expecting more and more innovation around safety and environmental health in our everyday products and materials. Until we introduce adequate pedagogical information into our teaching curriculum, we will not be able to make significant advances that are deeply needed.
Dr. John C. Warner
John is the recipient of the 2014 Perkin Medal, widely acknowledged as the highest honor in American Industrial Chemistry. He received his BS in Chemistry from UMASS Boston, and his PhD in Chemistry from Princeton University. After working at the Polaroid Corporation for nearly a decade, he then served as tenured full professor at UMASS Boston and Lowell. In 2007 he founded the Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry where he serves as President and Chief Technology Officer, and Beyond Benign, a non-profit dedicated to sustainability and green chemistry education. He is one of the founders of the field of Green Chemistry, co-authoring the defining text Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice with Paul Anastas. He has published over 200 patents, papers and books. Warner is the recipient of numerous awards and was named by ICIS as one of the most influential people impacting the global chemical industries. In 2011 he was elected a Fellow of the American Chemical Society and named one of "25 Visionaries Changing the World" by Utne Reader.
A Tribute to Dr. Al Matlack:
Dr. Al Matlack was a researcher, author, and passionate advocate of green chemistry, authoring the first comprehensive textbook on green chemistry: An Introduction to Green Chemistry. Dr. Matlack passed away in November of 2013 and the community sorely misses him. His family donated personal copies of Dr. Matlack's textbook (Second Edition). As part of the webinar series, we will be giving away a copy of the textbook to one of the participants during each webinar. For more information on Dr. Al Matlack's life and work, click here.
Ralph Stuart
Division of Chemical Health and Safety
American Chemical Society
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