(Note: This post is 10 years old and may contain outdated information.)

From: "Reinhardt, Peter" <peter.reinhardt**At_Symbol_Here**YALE.EDU>
Subject: FW: [DCHAS-L] APHA OSH Section Call for Abstracts
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 19:10:39 +0000
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: 56CFF4AEBF5BC544A444B45BDB588A7840EA07C7**At_Symbol_Here**x10-mbx3.yu.yale.edu

Passing on a call for OSH Abstracts for the APHA meeting in Chicago in October 2015. Please contact Dr. Weil (see below) for more information. – Pete Reinhardt



We are looking for people who might be interested in submitting abstracts on Occupational Safety and Health topics to present at the APHA meeting coming up next October in Chicago Illinois.


I am on the APHA OSH planning committee and we are working to find potentially interested parties to present papers or prepare posters on OSH topics. Perhaps you and/or your colleagues would be interested in submitting abstracts.  Please send this email around to whomever might be interested.  Perhaps you could post some part of this email on the CSHEMA list serve. I will probably put in an abstract on a PPE survey we did here.   We are also doing some interesting simulation exercises for MRI and fire safety.  I might carve something out of those.


This link takes you to the call for abstracts.




This is a list of possible topic areas that abstracts could be submitted under. You’ll notice that one is Other OHS topics.

So, if you don’t find a specific are



Occupational Health and Safety


Thanks. If you have any questions, please contact me at this email and at the phone number below.




Miriam Weil






Miriam Weil, ScD, MPH

EHS Program Coordinator

Environmental Health &Safety Department

300 Longwood Avenue

Boston, MA 02115

Ph: 857-218-3682

EH&S Website | EOC Website | Safer Everyday


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