(Note: This post is 10 years old and may contain outdated information.)

From: Mary Beth Mulcahy <mulcahy.marybeth**At_Symbol_Here**GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Chemistry-oriented science fiction?
Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2015 10:17:36 -0600
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: CAMK77sDBC40eW-ZM7inenSjPJw97M5tY6=PsnYdzEWSp1FQpOA**At_Symbol_Here**mail.gmail.com
In-Reply-To <822F32A2-14D6-4966-BCE3-C131C11C115F**At_Symbol_Here**keene.edu>

I have a five year old boy who loves comic books, so while I haven't memorized all the villains and super heroes like he has, from reading to my son I know a lot of them were transformed by chemical accidents. I can look up specific names in one of the references we have at home if that would be helpful.

Mary Beth

On Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 3:51 PM, Stuart, Ralph <Ralph.Stuart**At_Symbol_Here**keene.edu> wrote:
I'm thinking about the safety culture presentations I'll be giving next week (better before the presentation than during) and one question that occurred to me is "what examples of science fiction are there that are primarily focused on chemistry and/or chemical safety as a key topic?" I suspect that there are people who are better versed in this literature than I and I'd appreciate examples that come quickly to mind.

I'd also be interested in examples of specific books you may have had as children (age 12 and under) that got you interested in science outside of school.

Thanks for any information on these questions.

- Ralph

Ralph Stuart, CIH, CCHO
Chemical Hygiene Officer
Keene State College


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