(Note: This post is 10 years old and may contain outdated information.)

From: Frankie Wood-Black <fwblack**At_Symbol_Here**CABLEONE.NET>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Accommodations for a service animal in the lab
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2015 13:38:12 -0400
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: 409537556.90895356.1441647492298.JavaMail.zimbra**At_Symbol_Here**cableone.net
In-Reply-To <8B086E49B3E1DA43808F155FF594EC080B4C284E**At_Symbol_Here**HECTOR.xenotechllc.com>

FYI - we adapted our policy from the UC Davis one. 

Some things to note when developing your own policies:

1) Per ADA - you have to be careful how you ask questions.  The big issue is what support the animal provides - does it alert by jumping or pawing, is it a pick-up animal, i.e. is it likely to get hurt due to attempting to pick up something contaminated, and then there is the spill, splash, glass, tripping issues.
2) We are currently "accommodating" a service animal and our policy is that the animal should have the same reasonable PPE that the student's are required to have or the animal be placed nearby but outside of the specific hazard area.  In our chemistry lab, we have the dog located in an area that is close to the student, but it is well outside of any potential splashes, spills, etc.  Similarly in the physics lab - we have him situated so that he is not a tripping hazard or will have something dropped on him.  It is the microbiology laboratory that we will have do a bit more - he will have to be in a disposable lab coat and booties.
  And, we did do an evaluation of the microbes as they relate to the animal not just people.

Where I think facilities/entities are going to get into trouble are defining what is reasonable and the difference between therapy animals and service animals.

----- Original Message -----
From: Brady Arnold <barnold**At_Symbol_Here**XENOTECHLLC.COM>
Sent: Thu, 03 Sep 2015 13:02:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Accommodations for a service animal in the lab

I have no experience with accomodating for service animals, but here are a couple PPE suggestions.


They make boots for dogs. The ones made for hunting dog look especially sturdy and would protect the dog=E2=80™s pads from chemicals and broken glass.

There's also a product called Doggles, which are goggles made for dogs to protect their eyes when riding on motorcycles/ with their head out in the open.  Most
dogs I know wouldn't wear them, but service dogs are more used to wearing equipment.

They wouldn't be ANZI Z-87 but could protect against splash.


I see UVM has a Pre-Vet club, you might contact them for suggestions as well.

Hope this helps.





Brady P. Arnold

EHS Officer

XenoTech, LLC





From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**med.cornell..edu]
On Behalf Of Victoria Carhart
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2015 11:00 AM
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Accommodations for a service animal in the lab


I am trying to make accommodations for a service dog in teaching labs at the university. The students are required to wear closed-toe shoes and safety glasses as a minimum. We have a policy for service animals on campus, however, it doesn't
really have any safety measures for the animals when they are in labs. Does anyone know of ways to keep the animal safe or have any experience with this type of situation? 


Thanks for any help you are able to give.



Victoria Carhart

Laboratory Safety Coordinator, CAS/RSENR

UVM's Risk Management and Safety

Environmental Safety Facility

667 Spear Street

Burlington, VT 05405




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Frankie Wood-Black, Ph.D., REM, MBA
Principal - Sophic Pursuits
6855 Lake Road
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