(Note: This post is 9 years old and may contain outdated information.)

From: Monona Rossol <actsnyc**At_Symbol_Here**cs.com>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] New post: CEU credits
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 14:03:41 -0500
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: 15314aa583c-2647-1a31**At_Symbol_Here**webprd-a88.mail.aol.com

Thanks.  It would cross a Rabbi's eyes, but I have figured out that if I send it to the EH&S people at UMass-Amherst who also has the curriculum information they would be better at "using the ABIH" terminology as suggested.  All I know is that 40 hours for what I have in mind is a short time and there will not be any wasted time, touchy-feely activities, or hanging out time.  There will be quizzes and a final exam.  But that's for MY purposes, too.  I self-certify my trainees.  They will get a letter listing what I think they now know in terms of OSHA rules and other technical information.

Monona Rossol, M.S., M.F.A., Industrial Hygienist
President:  Arts, Crafts & Theater Safety, Inc.
Safety Officer: Local USA829, IATSE
181 Thompson St., #23
New York, NY 10012     212-777-0062
actsnyc**At_Symbol_Here**cs.com   www.artscraftstheatersafety.org


-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence M Gibbs <lgibbs**At_Symbol_Here**STANFORD.EDU>
Sent: Wed, Feb 24, 2016 12:33 pm
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] New post: CEU credits

Monona and all,
The American Board of Industrial Hygiene (www.abih.org) is the organization that oversees and manages certification of industrial hygienists and maintenance of the CIH. Information below is from the website. Near the middle of the info below is a section for providers of events and what a provider needs to  consider for participants who may want to claim CEUs or "maintenance points" in IH.

CM Credit for Educational Events

CM credit can be claimed if an educational event:
=B7        Is completed during the Diplomate's CM cycle,
=B7        Is targeted to the professional level (not technician or technoligist), advancing or enhancing  the person=E2=80™s technical knowledge and/or skills,
=B7        Has subject matter content that is:
=B7        at least one hour of IH or safety related material, or
=B7        ethics related (can be any duration).
CM credit is claimed at a rate of 0.167 CM point per each hour of technical content in the CM Areas of  IH, Safety, or IH Ethics. Fractional points are allowed once the one-hour minimum is acheived for IH or Safety events (e.g. 1.5 hours = 0.25 CM point).
Technical Contact Hours
Includes technical portions such as presentations, lectures, break outs, Q&A, exams, event overview, event recaps, and discussions.
Excludes the non-technical portions such as generic welcome speeches, participant introductions, breaks, meals, networking, exhibitor time, roundtables or discussions with unspecified topics, social tours
=B7        Use or claim the technical contact hours as provided by the Sponsor regardless of the actual time it takes to complete the course.. Note that some Sponsors use CEUs (1 CEU = 10 technical contact hours). If the total course hours are not provided by the Sponsor, caclulate the hours from an agenda or schedule (see note below).
=B7        Academic courses receive 15 hours (2.5 CM points) per academic semester credit-hour, or 10 hours (1.67 CM point) if on the academic quarter-hour system.
=B7        Claim 3 hours for each half day of attendance, or
=B7        Track and claim your actual hours of attendance in the technical sessions.
Note: Claiming the maximum time at a conference usually means that you attended every possible technical session and you did not do any non-technical activity, e.g., breaks, networking, Vendor visits, awards, social, etc.
As a matter of convenience, most Diplomates use the "3 hours/half day" estimate. As with courses, one (1) hour of technical contact time = 0.167 point.
Calculating the Technical Contact Hours From an Agenda
When calculating the technical contact hours from an agenda or schedule, the time can be;
=B7        Estimated, using the avg hours/half day, e.g., 2.5 hours/half day X 6 half days = 15 hours 
=B7        Rounded down but not up, e.g., 95 minutes = 1.5 hours
=B7        Exact, e.g., 75 minutes = 1.25 hours
Claiming CM credit
CM credit is claimed at a rate of 0.167 point per hour (1 CM point = 6 hours) in at least one of the CM Areas (IH, Safety or IH Ethics).
EX: An 8 hour respiratory protection class can be claimed for 1.34 IH points. A 30 minute Code-of-Conduct class can be claimed for 0.08 IH Ethics points.
If an event has technical content in more than one CM Area, the Diplomate may:
=B7        Use the one CM Area that is >50% of the technical content, OR
=B7        Use each of the CM Areas, assigning the time accordingly
EX: An 8 hour PDC is 75% IH and 25% ethics. This could be claimed as either:
=B7        8 IH hours (1.34 CM points)  OR
=B7        6 IH hours (1 point) and 2 IH Ethics hours (0.33 point)
Additional Resources
Overview (~1 Mb, PDF) and Supplemental Information (~500K, PDF)
For questions or help: Contact ABIH or call 517-321-2638.

Event Providers
This section contains:
=B7        ABIH List Rental

ABIH =AE Diplomates are required to attend educational events but the Diplomate, not ABIH, will calculate the CM credit for an event. CM credit claimed by Diplomates is based on technical contact hours of your event. See the CM credit calculation method above to better understand technical vs. non-technical contact hours.
Acceptable events must by IH or safety related, with a duration of at least one hour. Ethics events are also acceptable and can be any duration.
Prior to 2011, ABIH provided an event review service where we issued CM points and CM Approval Numbers. That service was discontinued and the use of the CM Approval Numbers is no longer valid or authorized by ABIH. ABIH encourages all Content Owners/Provider to discontinue use of the CM Approval Numbers and CM Point values previously awarded by ABIH.
Today, ABIH Diplomates simply want to know the number of technical contact hours  in your event (not the CM points).
1. Suggested Language for Event
Event Providers or Sponsors are not obligated to communicate the technical contact hours or CEU value (if using the IACET system) for an educational event; however, doing so makes the event more attractive to ABIH Diplomates.
Some suggested language is provided below. ABIH does not require you to use this language. If your language deviates significantly from what is listed below or you are concerned about the accuracy and clarity, ABIH will be glad to review and provide feedback to you. You will not be obligated to use the ABIH feedback. 
One firm rule that ABIH does proactively review and enforce: Event Providers or Sponsors should not imply that ABIH has approved or endorsed an event, even if the event was previously awarded CM credit by ABIH.
An acceptable certificate of completion for an event typically includes: the event title, Sponsor/Provider name, date(s) of offering/completion, Participant's name, location (if pertinent) and the technical contact hours or CEU value.
Contact Hours  Known?
Suggested Language
ABIH =AE Diplomates can earn up XX technical contact hours (or CEU value) for this event. See http://www.abih.org/maintain-certification/cm-credit-education-events for more information
Certificate of Completion
This event is worth XX technical contact hours (or CEU value).
ABIH =AE Diplomates can claim CM credit for this event. Seehttp://www.abih.org/maintain-certification/cm-credit-education-events for more information
Certificate of Completion
This event can be claimed for CM credit by ABIH =AE Diplomates.
*Note that events previously awarded CM points by  ABIH in the area of general "Management" are no longer eligible for CM credit in the ABIH system.
For questions or help, contact ABIH at abih**At_Symbol_Here**abih.org or 517-321-2638.
2. ABIH List Rental
Advertising an event to ABIH =AE Diplomates can dramatically increase its visibility and maximize the participation rates.

An ABIH list rental allows you to reach thousands of CIHs, or it can be customized to target audiences.

For more information, contact INFOCUS Marketing at:
=B7        800-708-5478
You can also view more about ABIH at http://www.infocusmarketing.com/datacard/abih
-----Original Message-----
From: DCHAS-L Discussion List [mailto:dchas-l**At_Symbol_Here**med.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 7:26 AM
Subject: [DCHAS-L] New post: CEU credits
From: Monona Rossol <actsnyc**At_Symbol_Here**cs.com>
I've never bothered with getting a CIH since I've gone my own specialized way since 1977 when I started.  So I am unfamiliar with the CEU credits that CIHs have to get every year.  Now I'd like to know more.
The reason is I'm teaching a 40 hour course in July at UMass-Amherst on Art Safety. It is designed for  serious art students, teachers and EH& S people who need to know more about art materials, processes, special ventilation for art, etc.  The school is working on getting regular CEU credits for people taking the course, but I assume there is something special about AIHA CEUs, right?
I know CIH people have gotten these credits from enduring some of the trainings/presentations I've done at conferences and events, but I never paid any attention to what that was all about.
I'd love to hear from anyone who can tell me if this is a valid idea, know who to talk to about application, etc.
Monona Rossol, M.S., M.F.A., Industrial Hygienist
President:  Arts, Crafts & Theater Safety, Inc.
Safety Officer: Local USA829, IATSE
181 Thompson St., #23
New York, NY 10012     212-777-0062

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