From: "Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety" <secretary**At_Symbol_Here**DCHAS.ORG>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] EPA Releases Draft Risk Assessment for 1-Bromopropane
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2016 14:31:22 -0500
Reply-To: DCHAS-L <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**MED.CORNELL.EDU>
Message-ID: 5E4874D8-1B54-47EF-9E04-EFD5C594DF06**At_Symbol_Here**
EPA is releasing for public comment and peer review a draft TSCA Work Plan Chemical Risk Assessment for 1-Bromopropane (1-BP), a chemical used primarily in spray adhesives, dry cleaning (including spot cleaners) applications and degreasing uses. Read the press release and consumer fact sheet on 1-BP.
The assessment focuses on uses of products that have high 1-BP content and which present high potential for exposures to workers and consumers. Due to its low hazard profile for ecological receptors and low persistence and bioaccumulation potential if released into the aquatic or terrestrial environments, EPA did not perform an assessment of risk to the environment as part of this assessment.
The draft 1-BP risk assessment evaluated human health risks to workers and consumers from acute (short-term) and chronic inhalation exposures associated with 1-BP use in spray adhesives, dry cleaning (including spot cleaning), and degreasing operations (vapor, cold cleaning, aerosol). 1-BP may cause liver toxicity, kidney toxicity, reproductive/developmental toxicity, neurotoxicity, and lung cancer as a result of the exposure scenarios evaluated. The conclusions of this risk assessment are:
Risk of adverse developmental/reproductive effects were identified for women of childbearing age who are acutely exposed to 1-BP when using aerosol spray adhesives, aerosol spot cleaners and aerosol cleaners/degreasers.
Risk of adverse developmental/reproductive effects were identified for women of childbearing age who are acutely exposed to 1-BP when using spray adhesives and during dry cleaning (including spot cleaning) and degreasing (vapor, cold cleaning, and aerosol) operations.
Non-cancer risks, including adverse neurologic effects, as well as kidney, liver, and reproductive effects, were identified for workers and occupational non-users chronically exposed to 1-BP during use of spray adhesives, during dry cleaning (including spot cleaning) applications and degreasing (vapor, cold cleaning, and aerosol) operations.
Cancer risks were identified for both workers and occupational non-users chronically exposed to 1-BP during all of the uses identified in this assessment (e.g., spray adhesive, dry cleaning, and during degreasing operations).
In addition to EPA"s assessment, the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) assessed risks associated with worker exposure to 1-BP and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ASTDR) has examined the hazards of 1-BP associated with different exposure durations. While each agency"s review has a distinct focus based on their mandates, they draw similar conclusions about health hazards of 1-BP. The EPA, NIOSH, and ATSDR will continue to coordinate efforts in addressing concerns associated with this chemical.
The draft TSCA Work Plan Risk Assessment for 1-BP is available for a 60 day public comment period (docket: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2015-0084) at EPA/OPPT"s 1-BP draft risk assessment will be peer reviewed by the Chemical Safety Advisory Committee (CSAC), an EPA FACA committee, in the spring of 2016.
Additional information on EPA"s 1-BP draft risk assessment and other TSCA Work Plan Chemicals can be found at:
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