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(Note: This post is 8 years old and may contain outdated information.)
From: "Chance, Brandon" <bchance**At_Symbol_Here**MAIL.SMU.EDU>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Rocket Candy SOPs
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2017 23:44:34 +0000
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 40A15D27-2479-44EB-A96D-CC61903BDD33**At_Symbol_Here**smu.edu
Finally, something fun! My office is assisting is process reviews for an undergraduate project that requires the manufacture of a rocket from the ground up, including the propellents. The student is proposing using the standard ingredients of potassium
nitrate and sugar to manufacture the propellant. There is a ton of "homemade" information online regarding the manufacture of these systems, but I was wondering if anyone had a vetted, tried and true academic SOP. I assume there are many campuses that have
done this in the past since there are various university competitions regarding the manufacturer and test firing of rockets.
On another note, this student reached out to our office without any prodding or guidance to reach to us once he embarked on the this project and submitted a very well though out proposal. He commented that once he gets into the work force, he will be
required to vet all of his projects through a Risk Management and Safety Office, so he should get into the practice now. I wish they were all that pro-active.
Any guidance documents would be appreciated. I am also looking through literature source material.
Brandon S. Chance, M.S., CCHO
Associate Director of Environmental Health and Safety
Office of Risk Management
Southern Methodist University
PO Box 750231 | Dallas, TX 75275-0231
T) 214.768.2430 | M) 469-978-8664
" our job in safety is to make the task happen, SAFELY; not to interfere with the work" Neal Langerman
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