Dear Ralph, Chemistry Ambassador,
Women's History Month. Every day women are transforming the world around us. In March, we honor these contributions, particularly those made by pioneering women in the sciences. Check out these stories about 10 extraordinary female chemists who have developed amazing scientific advances that help protect our environment, combat disease and save lives. Read about Helen Free, Alice Hamilton, Mildred Cohn and host of other fascinating women, then share their remarkable stories with students, teachers, your family, friends and neighbors.
Chemistry through storytelling. Chemistry Ambassadors continue to impress us with the creative ways they reach out to the community. Consider Terressa Boykin of Montclair, VA, who has written two picture books for children, "The Atom: What Am I Really?" and "Chemistry in My Dreams: Natural Processes." Terressa, who has worked in the field of polymer chemistry and chemical engineering for almost 30 years, visits schools to read stories from her books. She then leads the kids through a hands-on science experiment to reinforce their understanding of the concepts in the stories. Even if you haven't written a book consider taking time to share chemistry with students in your own town. It's easy, fun and rewarding! |
Get ready for Chemists Celebrate Earth Day on April 22 (CCED). Join us in this terrific nationwide celebration of the positive impact that chemistry has had on society and the environment with this year's theme, "Chemistry Helps Feed the World." Check out these CCED resources and sample press releases that will help you successfully conduct outreach activities in support of this year's theme, "Chemistry Helps Feed the World." If you'd like to take part in CCED activities in your community, visit the CCED website or check with your local sections about opportunities to participate. |
March for Science. Earth Day will be a busy one for many of us. In addition to CCED, ACS is also supporting the March for Science on April 22. The main march will take place in Washington, D.C., with satellite marches taking place at sites nationwide. The march aligns with the Society's key goal of fostering understanding and appreciation of science by the public, the media, and policymakers. It also provides another means of expressing support for science in the U.S., and its contributions toward improving people's lives, protecting our nation, creating jobs, driving innovation and facilitating economic growth. If you're going to participate in the march either in Washington, D.C., or in your local community, please send us a note. We're really interested in what you are planning to do. |

We welcome your questions, comments or suggestions. Please contact us at chemistryambassadors**At_Symbol_Here**acs.org and visit us on the web at www.acs.org/chemistryambassadors.