From: "Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety" <secretary**At_Symbol_Here**DCHAS.ORG>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] ECHA: Data on 15 000 chemicals now available to use
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2017 07:29:01 -0400
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 10FCF3A1-A3F4-48D4-AB34-F735298A6E9C**At_Symbol_Here**
Data on 15 000 chemicals now available to use
Key information on around 15 000 chemicals can now be downloaded and used. Researchers, regulatory authorities and businesses can use it ‰?? not least to improve the safe use of chemicals, enable innovation and help avoid the unnecessary testing of chemicals on animals.
Helsinki, 23 March 2017 ‰?? ECHA publishes information on around 15 000 chemical substances registered under REACH on its website. This information covers the intrinsic properties of each substance and their impact on human health and the environment. The data comes directly from companies who make or import the substances and have registered them with ECHA.
The Agency is now making selected data available for download with the aim of increasing its use and improving the safe use of chemicals world-wide. The data is available as a IUCLID 6 database. It includes specific parts of the information published online, respecting the ownership rights of companies who submitted the data. For example, the downloadable data includes the results from studies conducted by companies, but not the full summary. In addition, the material does not include the data companies have claimed confidential in their registrations. This corresponds to a limited amount of data for around 2% of dossiers submitted to ECHA.
Researchers and regulators could use the data to develop new ways of determining the toxicity of chemicals minimising the need to test them on animals. Companies can use it to improve the way in which they use chemicals, for example, by improving their safety data sheets and the classification and labelling of their substances and products. The data may be used only after agreeing to the terms and conditions, and not for registration under REACH.
‰??ECHA uses the data submitted by companies on a daily basis. In particular, we identify substances of concern that need to be controlled in order to protect human health and the environment. Making this data downloadable in a format that can be reused by others is another step towards safer chemicals in Europe,‰?? says Geert Dancet, ECHA‰??s Executive Director.
Jerker Ligthart from the International Chemical Secretariat (ChemSec) says: ‰??By releasing this data ECHA takes a step in the right direction in terms of chemical transparency and it will allow for better in-depth analysis of groups of chemicals instead of the substance-by-substance approach as of today. We hope that this feature will allow faster and earlier identification of substances of concern for companies to substitute and take better informed decisions when developing new products.‰??
‰??It is important that ECHA has improved the access to REACH registration data without jeopardising the data ownership,‰?? says Marco Mensink, Director General of Cefic, the European chemical industry association. ‰??With the available data, a better understanding of toxicology can be developed which will help to further reduce animal testing. It is a win-win for all stakeholders.‰??
Both the data and the IUCLID 6 application are available for download from the IUCLID website, free-of-charge, to registered users. The same set of data is used to provide input to the OECD‰??s eChemPortal, QSAR Toolbox, and the European Chemical Industry Council‰??s (Cefic) AMBIT project.
This e-mail is from DCHAS-L, the e-mail list of the ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety.
For more information about the list, contact the Divisional secretary at secretary**At_Symbol_Here**
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