From: "Corcoran, Hannah" <Hannah.Corcoran**At_Symbol_Here**EMERALDMATERIALS.COM>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Glassware Inventory
Date: Fri, 5 May 2017 15:08:28 +0000
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 3D4FF1471B55454DB85C0670CF5A64279B06FFF7**At_Symbol_Here**SDCEPMVMMB1.EPM.LOCAL
Our synthesis research lab has been discussing how to set up an inventory for all laboratory glassware beyond the quantity of each item. I was curious if there
was a way to track each piece.
For example:
We have 4 100-mL single neck round bottoms.
Over the past 5 years we have bought 12 of these round bottoms. 8 have been cracked/broken/borrowed/etc.
Is there a way to keep track of each of the 12, so that we know which dates the 4 we currently have were purchased?
Ideally the marking/labeling/serial number/etc. would:
- Not compromise the integrity of the glassware
- Be able to withstand the high temperatures of reactions (up to 290C)
- Be able to withstand a dishwasher cycle for cleaning
- Be resistant to Acetone/MeOH/Water
Goals of this inventory:
- Track age of glassware.
- Be able to list specific glassware used in reactions for continuity and sources of variables.
- Restrict certain pieces to fragrance synthesis only.
Emerald Kalama Chemical is an industrial chemical company that manufactures specialty chemicals. This is specifically for our R&D Synthesis laboratory.
Thank you in advance for your input!
Hannah Corcoran
R&D Facility Lead
Emerald Kalama Chemical, LLC
1296 Third St NW
Kalama, WA 98625
360-673-0319 (office)
"Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." – Winston Churchill
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