(Note: This post is 8 years old and may contain outdated information.)

From: "Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety" <secretary**At_Symbol_Here**DCHAS.ORG>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Patent Examiner Technical Training Topics
Date: Mon, 15 May 2017 18:35:40 -0400
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 18866052-A1CF-4114-9F3D-AED5360E73CB**At_Symbol_Here**dchas.org

This message is being sent on behalf of David T. Smorodin
Staff Liaison to the Committee on Patents and Related Matters

Dear Division Officer:

I hope this finds you well. The American Chemical Society's Joint Board-Council Committee on Patents and Related Matters and the Society's Office of External Affairs & Communications are pleased to be offering ACS members with an unusual opportunity to perform an important public service: we are seeking speakers to help improve the patent examination process for the benefit of the chemistry community. We are seeking volunteer speakers to discuss emerging developments in the chemical sciences for a U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) Technology Fair taking place on June 29, 2017. If you are interested in participating in this effort, please contact my Patent Committee colleague Brandi Neifert (b_neifert**At_Symbol_Here**acs.org 202-872-4411) at the Society's Office of External Affairs & Communications by May 26, 2017. The requested topics are listed below, but the USPTO is open to other topics. Please pass the information below to colleagues who might be interested in participating.

Location: Speakers may give their presentations from the USPTO headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia (just outside of Washington D.C.), at a satellite office (Detroit, Denver, Dallas, or San Jose), or via webcast from their homes/offices. There is no preference for in-person vs. remote presentations, and the USPTO can accommodate any of these options.

Length: Presentations typically are an hour, although seminars can run longer or shorter, depending on the speaker's preferences and topic area.

Audience: The audience for the seminars is patent examiners working in technologies related to the topic. Talks should be aimed at a level suitable for first-year graduate students.

Speech content: Typical talks spend a portion of the talk reviewing the state of the art and the development of the technology up to this point to give some context to the audience, followed by a portion in which the speaker discusses recent developments.

The speaker should avoid talking about any particular application that has been submitted to the USPTO. Speakers will be asked to fill out a Conflict of Interest form.

More information: For further information, please click on this link:

Best regards,

David T. Smorodin
Staff Liaison to the Committee on Patents and Related Matters

Suggested Patent Examiner Technical Training Topics

1. Analytical and Immunological Chemical Testing
2. Battery and Fuel Cell Technology
a. Flow batteries
b. Recent advances
3. Catalysts and Catalysis
a. Advances in catalysts used in refining and petrochemical operations
4. Chemicals used in the "fracking" industry
5. Computer control of process industries
6. Coating Technology
a. CVD, ALD, Sputtering and other thin film techniques
7. Electrochemical Sensors
8. Electrolytic cells
9. Electrolytic chemical reactions
10. Electrophoresis and Electrochromatography
11. Fertilizer Technology
12. Filter materials or compositions
13. Fuels
14. Lubricants
15. Mass spectrometry
16. Nanomaterials Overview, e.g. current state of the art, new directions in the industry
17. Photochemical and Electrochemical reactions and methods
a. Reduction of carbon dioxide to carbon-containing fuels
18. Photolithography
19. Photovoltaics
a.Tandem cells on silicon
b. New materials for transparent conducting electrodes
c. CIS/CIGS cells
d. Photovoltaic fibers and fabrics
20. Polymers
a. Polymers used in fuel and lubricant formulations
21. Quantum Dots and their Applications
22. Spin-Seebeck/Inverse Spin-Hall Effect Devices
23. Sputtering
24. Thermoelectric Technology
a. New TE Materials
b. TE Fibers and fabrics
25. 3D Printing of Metals or Plastics
26. Water and Waste Liquid Purification including Sewage and Hazardous or Toxic Wastes

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