From: Stephanie L. McClouds <SMCCLOUDS**At_Symbol_Here**STEVENSON.EDU>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Lab Coat storage
Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 17:47:55 +0000
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: e4415e236ab24b909cf13654b006a1c0**At_Symbol_Here**
In-Reply-To <2E68EA190EA75E4C9399D75B40B634667A2E2563**At_Symbol_Here**>
We have required lab coats in our biology and chemistry courses. The disposable lab coats are placed into a 12” x 12” poly bag that we supply and are stored
in a bin designated for lab coat storage. Each course and section gets a marked bin. I implemented this about 5 years ago and it has worked fine. Goggles are taken with the student. We don’t have the room to store those. The coats are disposed at the
end of each semester or sooner if they show signs of wear during the semester.
Stephanie McClouds
Sr. Laboratory Safety Specialist
Stevenson University
Beverly K. Fine School of the Sciences
Kevin J. Manning Academic Center, N160
11200 Ted Herget Way
Owings Mills, MD 21117
From: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety [mailto:DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU]
On Behalf Of Rogers, Janet
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] Lab Coat storage
I too am interested in your responses. Our labs are about 5 years old and there were no provisions for lab coat storage. Our EHS officer now wants us to start
requiring students to wear lab coats, store them in lockers (there is no space in the lab rooms for lockers, so they'd have to go in the hallway or in a classroom on a different floor from the lab) and he wants our custodial staff to wash the coats.
We don't like this plan, so I am looking forward to your recommendations.
Janet Rogers, Ph.D.
Professor & Chair
Chemistry Department
Edinboro University
230 Scotland Road
Edinboro, PA 16444
phone: 814.732.1539
From: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety
[DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU] on behalf of Vivian L. Longacre [vlongacr**At_Symbol_Here**CALPOLY.EDU]
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2017 11:18 AM
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Lab Coat storage
Goo morning,
For those campuses that require lab coats in their chemistry laboratories, how are you handling storage? We have wall to wall fume hoods in our upper division organic labs
and no place to put lab coats. The Chemistry department has recently instituted a lab coat policy in upper division labs where the hazards warrant them. We have a brand new beautiful building they are housed in, however no lab coat storage. Upper administration
does not want anything put in the hallways. So far, they have come up with extra large ziploc bags in which to put their lab coats into and store in their glassware drawers.
Any other ideas out there?
Vivian Longacre
Safety Training Specialist, RSO
Environmental Health & Safety
Cal Poly State University
San Luis Obispo, CA
Direct 805.756.6628
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--- For more information about the DCHAS-L e-mail list, contact the Divisional secretary at
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