(Note: This post is 8 years old and may contain outdated information.)

From: Jyllian Kemsley <jyllian.kemsley**At_Symbol_Here**gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [DCHAS-L] News Report: Should Texas Residents Know the Chemicals They're Breathing After the Arkema Plant Explosion?
Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2017 15:52:35 -0700
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: CAMBROREmdGiqxVoub+Ttq5sFHp5TTXn7n8v9kS+xG4FkWcuT6A**At_Symbol_Here**mail.gmail.com
In-Reply-To <15e44718a7b-c04-3609f**At_Symbol_Here**webjas-vaa233.srv.aolmail.net>

Regarding monitoring related to this storm in particular, info from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality today:

Air Quality Monitoring: One of the many preparations for Hurricane Harvey included EPA, TCEQ, and other monitoring entities temporarily shutting down several air monitoring stations from the greater Houston, Corpus Christi, and Beaumont areas. Since then, state and local authorities have been working to get the systems up and running again. As of Saturday, Sept. 2, more than 88 percent of monitors are up and working again in Corpus Christi, 85 percent in Houston, and 36 percent in Beaumont. The network is expected to be fully operational again by next week. Of the available air monitoring data collected from Aug. 24-Sept. 2, all measured concentrations were well below levels of health concern. Monitors are showing that air quality at this time is not concerning, and residents should not be concerned about air quality issues related to the effects of the storm.

[Jyllian notes: Air quality right now might not be concerning, but that likely wasn't the case Aug. 27-30: http://cen..acs.org/articles/95/i35/Harvey-Texas-faces-massive-cleanup.html.]

Fires at Arkema Facility in Crosby: EPA and TCEQ are coordinating closely with Harris County officials, along with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and other local public safety officials. As a result of initial chemical fires while the facility was flooded, EPA has collected downstream surface water runoff samples at four locations outside the evacuation zone near residential areas. EPA and TCEQ will maintain a 24-hour watch and maintain a 24-hour presence at the incident command operations center near this facility to support local emergency personnel on the ground. The 1.5-mile radius evacuation zone remains in effect until local emergency response authorities announce it is safe.



Jyllian Kemsley, Ph.D.
Senior Editor, West Coast
Chemical & Engineering News
Phone: (+1) 925-519-6681 (office, mobile, messaging apps)
Skype: jyllian.kemsley
E-mail: j_kemsley**At_Symbol_Here**acs.org
Twitter: **At_Symbol_Here**jkemsley

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