(Note: This post is 8 years old and may contain outdated information.)

From: Frankie Wood-Black <fwoodblack90**At_Symbol_Here**GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Fwd: FW: [DCHAS-L] ACS Entrepreneur Summit, November 15-16, 2017, Washington D.C.
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2017 10:49:59 -0500
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: CAEPFAxU2UsoeAd2gG+meQNKwsJvmbA4Kgyo5UxYP3VTyt60Ghw**At_Symbol_Here**mail.gmail.com
In-Reply-To <2EA80EFDA4388545A73788944E234B7A30EEEEBD**At_Symbol_Here**PROD-EXCHVA01.acs.org>

Frankie Wood-Black, Ph.D., REM, MBA
Principal - Sophic Pursuits
NOTE - ADDRESS CHANGE - Mailing Address - PO Box 433, Tonkawa, OK 74653


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vijay Kuruganti <V_Kuruganti**At_Symbol_Here**acs.org>
Date: Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 9:44 AM
Subject: FW: ACS Entrepreneur Summit, November 15-16, 2017, Washington D.C.
To: "davidthobbs**At_Symbol_Here**gmail.com" <davidthobbs**At_Symbol_Here**gmail.com>, "gstanley**At_Symbol_Here**lsu.edu" <gstanley**At_Symbol_Here**lsu.edu>, "fwoodblack90**At_Symbol_Here**gmail.com" <fwoodblack90**At_Symbol_Here**gmail.com>

Dear Colleagues,

Hope you all had a great Labor Day break. I would like to request your help on promoting ACS Entrepreneur Summit that we are organizing in November during Global Entrepreneur week. You can find the details on the website but basically we are trying to help small entrepreneurs in chemistry space. Could you please pass along to anyone who you think will be interested in attending? I appreciate your help. By the way we will also live stream the event to select universities.

Best regards,


ACS: Powering Industry Innovation with

Smart People, Smart Information, and Smart Collaboration

Vijay Kuruganti, Ph.D.

Director, Industry Member Programs

Membership Division

1155 16th Street NW

Washington, DC 20036

202.875.0874 (Mobile)

202.872.6359 (Office)

202.776.8188 (Conference Call)

v_kuruganti**At_Symbol_Here**acs.org (e-mail)

Subject: ACS Entrepreneur Summit, November 15-16, 2017, Washington D..C.

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You're invited to attend the Entrepreneur Summit, hosted by the American Chemical Society, on November 15-16 at the National Education Association headquarters in Washington, D.C.

This exciting event brings together small business leaders, angel investors, and industry chemists to learn the latest trends in chemical entrepreneurship, discover new ways to improve value proposition and network with future partners.

Event highlights include:

  • A keynote by ABC Shark Tank star Robert Herjavec
  • A keynote by David S. Bem, Chief Technology Officer and
    Vice President, Science & Technology at PPG
  • Panel discussions and lectures led by industry experts from The Dow Chemical Company, Novartis, Procter & Gamble, National Council of Entrepreneurial Tech Transfer (NCET2), and other esteemed companies
  • Advanced educational sessions for entrepreneurs to improve their value propositions

We look forward to seeing you in November!





Tel: 614-447-3776 (outside the U.S.)

American Chemical Society | 1155 Sixteenth Street, NW | Washington, DC 20036
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