From: "Secretary, ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety" <secretary**At_Symbol_Here**DCHAS.ORG>
Subject: [DCHAS-L] Advancing Safer Chemistry: The Role of Government Policy
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2017 11:08:41 -0400
Reply-To: ACS Division of Chemical Health and Safety <DCHAS-L**At_Symbol_Here**PRINCETON.EDU>
Message-ID: 8A343878-A151-4DAF-A605-332F6B32F7E0**At_Symbol_Here**

The Green Chemistry Commitment's Green Chemistry Education Webinar Series Presents:
Advancing Safer Chemistry: The Role of Government Policy

Join us for a webinar by:
Dr. Joel Tickner
Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts Lowell

November 1, 2017; 11am - 12pm EDT
Register here!


Government policies play an important role in driving green chemistry innovation and adoption. Policies that range from research and development, education, tax and investment incentives to purchasing preferences and chemicals assessment and management regulations at the state, federal, and international levels can all impact demand for and supply of green chemistry alternatives as well as chemical choices.

It is important that material designers, chemists, and business managers within firms understand the role of policy in accelerating green chemistry. This webinar will provide an overview of the range of policies that can affect chemical design and product development and adoption.

About the speaker:

Dr. Joel Tickner is Associate Professor in the Department of Community Health and Sustainability at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, where he directs the Chemicals Policy and Science Initiative of the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production. He also directs the Green Chemistry and Commerce Council, a network of more than 90 companies and other organizations dedicated to accelerating the adoption of green chemistry across supply chains and sectors.

Joel is a leading expert on chemicals regulation, regulatory science, and application of alternatives assessment in science and policy. He has served as an advisor and researcher for several government agencies, international agencies, non-profit environmental groups, companies, and trade unions both in the U.S. and abroad. Joel served on the EPA‰??s National Pollution Prevention and Toxics Advisory Committee, as well as National Academy of Sciences panels around alternatives assessment and safer chemistry. He also directs the undergraduate environmental health program at the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

Next Webinar: December 5, 2017 2-3pm ET, Toxicology Tools for Chemists
Interested in toxicology?
Register now for our next webinar by Dr. Pamela Spencer (Angus Chemical) and Dr. Craig Rowlands (Underwriters Laboratory)

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