Subject: [DCHAS-L] Your dues & CHAS Membership
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2018 15:00:30 -0800
Reply-To: neal**At_Symbol_Here**CHEMICAL-SAFETY.COM
Message-ID: 014701d384e6$a7f78f40$f7e6adc0$**At_Symbol_Here**
Dear CHAS Members:
Beginning the New Year is a time for budgets and looking at finances. As a loyal CHAS member, you pay $12 dues per year and $36 for your subscription to the Journal of Chemical Health and Safety. I hope you understand the many benefits of membership and I will leave that conversation for another time. Today, I want to explain what your dues is used for. Here is a high-level analysis of income and expenses, based on 2017 numbers:
Dues Income $46,715.00
JCHAS Publication cost $32,916.00
Awards & Regional Meetings $3,299.00
Direct expenses for 2 Open Meetings of CHAS per year $3,762.00
Reimbursement for Elected & Appointed Leadership to attend Open Meetings $17,674.00
Exhibit Hall Outreach Booth $8,801.00
Total Expenses $66,452.00
The roughly $20,000 deficit is made up by income from workshops, some non-dues income from ACS, and donations.
Note: CHAS members who are elected leaders or appointed committee chairs are eligible for partial reimbursement of expenses to attend the Sunday morning open CHAS meeting. This covers travel, one-night lodging, and meals. Elected leaders receive a maximum of $700/meeting and appointed Chairs receive a maximum $450. Our program Chairs and Councilors receive a higher reimbursement based on the requirement that they attend the entire National Meeting.
Today, I invite you to help support CHAS via AMAZON SMILE. Use the link below to register your support. Amazon will donate 0.5% of all your Amazon purchases to CHAS. It costs you nothing and helps CHAS extend its services and out-reach. Please register this week!
Amazon URL to register:
Thank you for your support. I look forward to working with you in 2018.
Safety is the practice of fixed and unbendable principles, the first of which is to be flexible at all times. Paraphrase of Everett Dirksen.
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